clocker bob wrote:AlBStern wrote:clocker bob wrote:
Still calling this a 'conspiracy theory'?
Has anyone done that?
Newberry has, by implication:newberry wrote:I'd like to see evidence that mercury in vaccines causes autism; if anyone has any, please post it.
He then pasted from a wikipedia article that contains evidence that mercury and autism are linked, so he willfully ignored what was in his own source to insinuate that any suggestion of a mercury=autism link was outside the realm of mainstream science, and thus, a conspiracy theory.
Bob, again, we can both point to anecdotal evidence supporting almost anything. I missed where in the Wikipedia article that there was direct empirical evidence of the vaccine/autism link. Could you please cite it?
I didn't imply that there was a conspiracy theory; I don't believe that. I'm simply asking for evidence.
If you really think that this:
I'd like to see evidence that mercury in vaccines causes autism; if anyone has any, please post it.
is equivalent to crying "conspiracy theory," I'd say you're being presumptuous.