radio personality: rush limbaugh
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 4:13 pm
steve wrote:Kenoki wrote:just that i agree left-left-liberals are, mostly, fucking wrong. and you are acting as a perfect example.
Like we were wrong about slavery, about abolition, about woman's suffrage, about prohibition, about children in the workforce, about minimum wage, about fascism, about civil rights, about Apartheid, about the Vietnam war, about the current war...
Wait, we are not wrong. We are almost never wrong. Fuck you for saying we "mostly fucking wrong." Fuck you for ignoring the obvious.
steve, civil rights are just that, rights. and anyway, why don't you tell that to your friend FDR. all of the things you have listed above were changes that should have been, and were, made my thoughtful individuals of the past who worked on common sense--also, in part by individuals who knew change was around the corner and had to step up for political clout... and also because citizens in a climate of social change demanded it. let's not get all romantic thinking that everyone does the right thing for the right reasons...
but the left isn't reponsible for damage? the current war? in 2003, did you support giving bush a blank check to do EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO DO? (and please, spare me the hillary answer) i sure as fuck didn't--but my representatives (as a registered democrat) sure as fuck didn't represent my opinion, nor really the opinions of any leftist i knew or now know. i don't think i started leaning more right (and by that i mean basically an undemonstrated ideal, not what we know as the right currently) until this war began and i saw all my leaders failing me and coming up with the lamest talking points imaginable when we are in real crisis.
now fast forward four years--kids still getting their shit blown off, my once little nephew, david--14ish when this shit started, 12 when the world trade center was fucked up--is graduating from basic in oklahoma in one month and heading off to our favorite killing grounds. thanks guys!!!! most of our liberal representatives are fuck tards, the same as the right. both forsake the poor and all levels of the middle class for their own inflated financial security. hello "socially responsible" investments--what kind of backwards term is that? got some money to make off of your ass, while at the same time investing in some oil.
oh, but now, oh let's pull out of the war! please! we're hurting the kids! RIGHT, a little too late assfuck. how about we talk about the insane amount that we owe to common citizens of Iraq and how pissed off they are. recently, at what i called an "army party," consisting of all army intelligence, i was listening to folks who were all recently in the middle east casually mention how the people there don't want us there. i'm pretty sure all these MF's were conservative too. so the fact that they would say we are unwanted pretty much shot to shit anything rush or coultier or whoever are trying to claim. BUT if we pull out now without any sort of serious reparations, which could include peaceful international occupation and rebuilding, we will have ourselves a really volatile enemy for our children to deal with. that is no joke. with the right and left it's either leave with no agenda or stay with no agenda... no one wants to talk about an occupation.
further into this glorious lefty thing which you say is almost always right--do i want to throw my money away on federalized social programs controlled by a little central government in a big fucking pond? money for anyone who fucks up or meets a guideline? fuck no, stick that extra in my Social Security, thank you very much, and then hand that Social Security over and let me manage it. and then let's talk about streamlining this bitch and squashing my taxes. this is a HUGE country and getting bigger by the second -- state rights!!! we need them!!! bring social programs back to the community and let the people take care of the people, because not everyone deserves a hand-out and you certainly can't formulate whether someone is deserving based on a page of guidelines. unfortunately, the right-wing does not have a solution for this... it's just cut and run, essentially, without handing the power of change and compassion back to the people because they don't believe the people are very smart.
the left is all about my rights? then let me keep my right to bear arms, please. do i love going to CMP (civilians marksmanship program) in alabama to check out the shipment of M1s recently released by the government? yes! does pelosi want to get some of these classic, slow shooting "semi-automatics" banned entirely? and bayonets? yes! fuck you pelosi! you just can't trust antique rifle dorks, i guess--some of the nicest people i have ever met tho we generally have nothing in common. i enjoy target shooting and, should a tyrannical government try and strip me of my rights in a hostile manner, i have a method of protection! is that wrong of me? seriously? i understand not wanting to own or touch a gun... even i keep mine at my father's house because i don't feel comfortable having them in my own home--but come on now. you want my dad to lose his peaceful hobby? seriously?
my point is, it seems no one is offering good solutions for anything. just things to make bad decisions better without actually eliminating the bad decision in the first place. yeah, let's hand out money to everyone, good idea. more taxes? awesome. to completely dismiss everything the right wing has to say (and this is outside of christian-right, eventually those convictions will fade away) and act like the left is tight is retarded. currently the left is not tight. it sucks, at least our representation does. so what if they are pro-choice--of course they should be! and if anyone tried revoking that right, or our basic civil rights, the people would revolt... and if the people did not revolt then we are fucking schleps and do not deserve democracy. as a lefty (furthering right) i would think we should be extra critical of the left wing, because they make me not want to be there.