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Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:12 pm
by danmohr_Archive
NerblyBear wrote:I love cats, and paw-pads are my favorite part of them.
Feeling my cat's soft paw pads and contrasting that with my dogs' rough, beat-up paw pads always make me think of the
Kids in the Hall sketch where the guy playing Mississippi Gary starts doing the
hambone, hurts his hand and then slides out of character saying "what are you doing the hambone for anyway, college boy, you might injure your lily-white collegiate hands." My cat has never worked a day in his life.
I don't really care about watching animals eat, but I am fascinated by watching them drink. So inefficient.
Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:16 pm
by alex maiolo_Archive
The thing about your cat is that he or she could give a flying fuck about whether or not you're sad.
That's why I dig cats in the first place.
Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:02 pm
by steve_Archive
Man I love seeing a cat just go to town on some cat food. If you get down on the floor you can see her little face all smiling and the ravenous sounds all purring and chomping and smacking...
Man I love it when the cats eat. I feel like Santa.
Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:37 pm
by burun_Archive
steve wrote:I feel like Santa.
I thought you
were Santa.
What will I tell my kids now?
Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:10 pm
by nihil_Archive
I'm currently babysitting a friend's cat indefinitely. This is because I am a wonderful person.
Anyway, I've never known a cat like this. When it comes to food, he is shameless. While I eat, he gently paws at my shoulder or face, often baring claws that occasionally, although accidently, draw blood or make a hole in my shirt. He begs like a dog. He even gets into the trash. This cat will eat anything.
His bowl is always full and his litterbox is always clean. He is not fat and he is always purring.
It's as if he's bored. Maybe I should set some vermin loose in the house. It might give him a sense of purpose. He might even leave me and my sandwich alone.
Man, I'm a wonderful person.
Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:58 pm
by John W_Archive
We have to put our cat food up high on the kitty jungle gym. Otherwise the dog goes for it. But here's the thing, one of our cats likes to knock pieces of food on the floor. Either she likes to watch the dog chase it, or she's just being a pal. I'm not sure which.
Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:11 pm
by rocker654_Archive
steve wrote:Man I love seeing a cat just go to town on some cat food. If you get down on the floor you can see her little face all smiling and the ravenous sounds all purring and chomping and smacking...
Man I love it when the cats eat. I feel like Santa.
There really is nothing more touching than watching a cat concentrating on a bowl of food.
My brother brought me a barn kitten his dogs treed a few years ago. She is one of the sweetest things I have ever known in my foul, mis-spent, evil life. Watching a starving kitty munch on a bowl of food is one of the most heart rending scenes I've ever witnessed. I practically wept knowing that I had given a cold, abandoned orphan 4 month old kitten a warm home with plenty of food.
Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:47 pm
by NerblyBear_Archive
Or how 'bout lightly poking with three fingers a cat's soft, ever-so-lightly-wispy belly, which feels like a down pillow half-full of Smucker's grape jelly?
Cats rule.
Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 1:00 am
by Minotaur029_Archive
This thread is sorta popular...which is amazing/slightly irritating to me...because unless you're a little old lady (or Doug Stanhope's mom), what could possibly be sad about this? Cats gotta eat.
Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:51 am
by eephour_Archive
cheer up emo kid