Battles Atlas

i hate the new battles album.

i hate the vocals which are nearly on every track, coming through the mix like a guitarist who always insists that his guitar isn't loud enough.

i hate that the snare is low in the mix. that something that i liked about the eps, it retained somewhat of a hiphop/electronic feel due to the prolific snares.

i hate the atlas. it sounds like battles covering animal collective really badly.

i really ddiamond. it sounds like a battles tribute band covering animal collective even worse than battles covering animal collective.

i hate the video for atlas. what the hell is going on with john stanier? why the hell is he made out to look like some kind of college guy?

i hate the fact that the new battles for the best part is almost the same tempo all the way through, and elements of darkness like in sz2, tras, hilo are nowhere to be found.

i used to really like battles, but evidence of their new album and video it's pretty clear that they have been commodified for a different/new/more lucrative market at the cost of what made they originally started out as.

their new album is the biggest musical dissapointment i've heard in ages. don't take my word though, if you have the chance to download it and listen to it then do so.

Battles Atlas

Man I totally did not know that these guys dressed the way they do! I am going to get rid of this record as soon as I am done with this reply!

Ty wears cable knit shirts!!!! I am disgusted....

What the fuck is cable knit and why the fuck do you really care?
Marsupialized wrote:I bet I hand you a gold bar that sucks dick on command and you'll be bitching that it dosent have the right kind of moustache.

Battles Atlas

the.bowlox wrote:Damn, Battles is one of my favorite bands. Maybe my favorite band to start up in the past, let's say, five years. Ten even. Maybe.
But what is this shit? Where's the bad-ass? I just see a bunch of dudes pretending to rock out in a mirror room. Shit's boring. Song: Boring. Video: Perfect for the BORING song.
I'll still try to see their tour, though. I just hope they play SZ2. That's definitely my favorite 9 1/2 minutes of recorded music in the past ten years.

i saw them play a week ago there was no sz2 - NO SLEIGH BELLS ON STANIER'S KIT! i was devastated. i really hope that when you see them play they play sz2!

yeah i agree with you too man, they were one of my favourite bands until i heard their new stuff!

the image is a problem, but if they had made a great track then it'd be less of an issue. however this is not the case so it acts merely to add more fuel to the fire.

Battles Atlas

ant man bee wrote:Man I totally did not know that these guys dressed the way they do! I am going to get rid of this record as soon as I am done with this reply!

They are miming along to their song in a rock video. If they're willing to do that, what's the point of keeping it real, JC Penny style?

It only makes sense if they were having church services inside the cube right after the shoot, and there was no time to change clothes.

Battles Atlas

gebo wrote:
what the hell is going on with john stanier? why the hell is he made out to look like some kind of college guy?

This statement is so lame, on so many levels...

yeah it probably is lame statement, i was merely implicating evidence of a rebranded marketing appeal, touching along the grounds of something like a situation if marilyn manson was dressed in fubu to appeal to a "urban" market it'd create some confusion among the aesthetic which is unavoidably created.

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