On the housing market woes, Buffett noted how Berskshire’s housing-related businesses are getting hit. Unlike many overeager investors today, who feel compelled to run into burning buildings by buying flaming housing-related stocks on the theory that the worst is over, Buffett offered a contrary view: ‘My guess is that it continues for quite a while.’
On the private equity bubble - which involves so-called private equity firms raising huge pools of money and then borrowing a lot more to buy whole companies - Buffett noted a great flaw in the scheme. Private equity firms have a ‘great compulsion to invest quickly.’ That way, they can go out and raise another fund and keep the fees coming in. Basically, private equity firms are paid for activity, not results. And the nature of the business means that we won’t know who is successful until many years have passed. Buffett said the ’score card is lacking.’
On fears of a crash or meltdown or bad things happening in the market, Buffett offered wise words: ‘Something bad will happen, but you could go back at anytime in the last 100 years and say the same thing… you can freeze yourself out indefinitely.’
The Sub-Prime Blowout And The Con Man Exodus
31Interesting remarks last week by super globalist Warren Buffett: