Crap/Not Crap?

Total votes: 10 (40%)
Not crap
Total votes: 15 (60%)
Total votes: 25

Rock bands playing along with a laptop

Ive only seen one band play along with a laptop and make it seem like no computers were around at all. That was Ester Drang. The computer not only cued the visuals, but also played the bass! (they went on tour, but their bassplayer had to bow out because of a death in the family). They put on a great show and the laptop wasn't in the way in any of it.

Most of the time, this is utter shite. My band has been trying to sneak this in from time to time, but I keep smacking it down. I love playing music with people, not computers.

Rock bands playing along with a laptop

kerble wrote:
bassdriver wrote:
steve wrote:
rocker654 wrote:
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:
rocker654 wrote:Isn't this how Kraftwerk makes music?

Please note the topic.


And also, no it isn't.


that's right they don't play along, they are surfing around.

they may use laptops live, but they do not write music with laptops (or didn't for 99% of their career). Kraftwerk are fucking geniuses. read the book on 'em. I'll dig up a title today.

I picked up the dvd of their last tour. It is totally fucking amazing. I really regret not seeing them live on that tour.

Rock bands playing along with a laptop

mr.arrison wrote: Kraftwerk were fucking geniuses.

There, I said it. I loved the recent live show I saw. and these guys are amazing people, geniuses and all that, but they were playing laptops. There wasn't any improvisation that I could detect. The only error that could have happened would be a program crash.

I know years ago, Kraftwerk invented some sequencers, analog synths and probably some software as well. Their albums up to 1983 are all unbelievable. They were geniuses and the albums were perfect. However, the last tour was all performed on laptops.

For all we know they could have pressed play in iTunes and yet it was amazing. It rocked. The visuals were excellent, it was loud, and very perfect in the most MECHANIK way possible.

Rock bands playing along with a laptop

mr.arrison wrote:
mr.arrison wrote: Kraftwerk were fucking geniuses.

There, I said it. I loved the recent live show I saw. and these guys are amazing people, geniuses and all that, but they were playing laptops. There wasn't any improvisation that I could detect. The only error that could have happened would be a program crash.

I know years ago, Kraftwerk invented some sequencers, analog synths and probably some software as well. Their albums up to 1983 are all unbelievable. They were geniuses and the albums were perfect. However, the last tour was all performed on laptops.

For all we know they could have pressed play in iTunes and yet it was amazing. It rocked. The visuals were excellent, it was loud, and very perfect in the most MECHANIK way possible.

I agree. that's kind of the charm of it for me. that he made a cupping gesture with his hand up to the mic every time he was "singing". I don't know if they were playing or not, and I actually don't care. It just sounded great to hear those songs at immense volumes. visually stimulating. musically flawless, regardless whether or not they just hit "play".
kerble is right.

Rock bands playing along with a laptop

I was above Kraftwerk looking down. They were playing. There were sample triggers, sequence starts and stops, and various effects tweaking at times, but that's what Kraftwerk has always done. These days it just takes less gear. A laptop can function as 25 different step sequencers so they don't have to haul 25 step sequencers around anymore. Same basic idea though.

After years of bringing pornographic amounts of gear on the road with them, them decided to go for the stripped down look. It's completely in line with their MO. They predicted they'd use things like suits that had triggers in them before the end of the 70's. That didn't happen, but they have always used THE most modern gear.
I love seeing bands use vintage synths on stage, but if Kraftwerk had done that I would have wondered why. They are about moving forward, not fetishizing the past.

Programs like Reason aren't only sequencers, they are great sound engines. If you want a MiniMoog, an Arp Omni and a PolyMoog, and you don't want to deal with them on the road (especially the unreliable PolyMoog) bring their sounds with you in the form of a laptop.

Tortoise and Sea & Cake use old gear in the studio but they would be nuts to bring an Arp 2600 on the road. Instead, a controller and an laptop can be anything you want it to be. Or close enough for live work at least.

When you need the sound to be perfect, and you have no constriants with time, aggravation or space, sure, use old gear. Nothing beats a real Mini, which is why I have one.

So Kraftwerk can pull off incredible stuff live because of laptops. They are synched up to films and a master clock so everything works smoothly. And they are easy to backup.

I agree Faiz, Ralf cupping his hand to "call" out the lyrics was endearing as hell.

Often times that night I wondered how many other grandpa aged people in this world were as relevant and cool. Their last studio record was fantastic.
I think they are only second to the Beatles in their influence on modern music. I don't make statements like that lightly either.

However, they are not a "rock" band, so none of this matters regarding this poll.

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

Rock bands playing along with a laptop

You know, Kraftwerk really are just wonderful aren't they?

I'm not a fan of using laptops with music but I see why they are often cropping up with musicians these days. They can be used really really well I suppose, but I still think they're fucking wank. I don't want to see a band that looks like they have a member who just stands around checking his myspace.

Rock bands playing along with a laptop

rocker654 wrote:
bassdriver wrote:
kerble wrote:they may use laptops live, but they do not write music with laptops (or didn't for 99% of their career). Kraftwerk are fucking geniuses. read the book on 'em. I'll dig up a title today.

I was just kidding.

So was I. The humor was lost on the druids of the forum.

OK Computer.

you misspelled "droids".

alex maiolo wrote:I think they are only second to the Beatles in their influence on modern music. I don't make statements like that lightly either.

I think you've got something there.

No Kraftwerk, no Boom Bap.

I just dug out my copy of Kraftwerk: Man Machine and Music by Pascal Bussy. Because of this thread. I don't remember if it was goood or not. will report back.
kerble is right.

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