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Premier Rock Forum • Presidential Candidate: John McCain - Page 4
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Presidential Candidate: John McCain

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:54 pm
by SecondEdition_Archive
NerblyBear wrote:Who would have thought that "mass murder" and "Beach Boys" would ever again be mentioned in the same breath? Lightning really can strike twice.


That's fucking brilliant.

Presidential Candidate: John McCain

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:35 pm
by caix_Archive
John McCain can fart on his own penis and eat it.

Presidential Candidate: John McCain

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:45 pm
by Minotaur029_Archive
caix wrote:John McCain can fart on his own penis and eat it.

Here, here!

Well...in retrospect, I guess John McCain disappeared into left field a la James Earl Jones in Field of Dreams and then came wandering back.

John McCain sucks, but he doesn't strike me as being as insane as Bush II, Romney, Giuliani, Paul, Huckabee, etc.

He is still quite nuts, though.

McCain wrote:Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran.

And let's not forget that he would devote 50 or 100 years to the Iraq War if he could.

Presidential Candidate: John McCain

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:21 pm
by drew patrick_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:Spare pic of Yonit Levi used to bump this thread.

Who is this woman (beyond the mere "Israeli newswoman" explanation). Please advise.

McCain is an old man whose party hates him. Basically.

EDIT: I now understand the power of Yonit Levi.

Presidential Candidate: John McCain

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:36 am
by caix_Archive
I'd like to add to this conversation that John McCain lost any amount of credibility he had when he hugged George Bush after coming to terms with his personal ass-ramming.

McCain is a loser and will probably be the GOP candidate, which will be nice because I can't wait to see that irrelevant douchebag not become president...again.

Presidential Candidate: John McCain

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:19 pm
by Ty Webb_Archive
He just called McCain's foreign policy immoral, among many other things, so that seems a given.

McCain's continued glib characterization as a moderate by pundits is maddening. He just voted AGAINST the CIA torture ban and the guy's been tortured himself! He will do and say anything to close the perceived rift between the neoconservatives and himself.

Presidential Candidate: John McCain

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:35 pm
by Linus Van Pelt_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:Since McCain is a natural born citizen of the United States, this non-issue will likely be ignored by the mainstream media.

But if Ron Paul's mother had a pinky toe in Ontario when she gave birth to him, you would suddenly see Ron Paul get more press in one day than he had received in the previous month.

No fixing necessary; this is probably true.

Presidential Candidate: John McCain

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 2:21 pm
by Linus Van Pelt_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
Linus Van Pelt wrote:FYP.
Nope. Foreign US military bases are leased property and not US territory, but you can't accept that the controlled media will not give you the straight facts on McCain's eligibility, just like you can't accept that the controlled media is not giving you the straight facts about who owns the Federal Reserve.

When the facts conflict with what you need to believe, just relax and let the soothing emissions of American television waft through your brain, Linus.

Who cares about whether foreign US military bases are leased property or US territory? And who cares about the controlled media or American television? How could I have gotten my information from TV when, as you correctly point out, TV is ignoring this non-issue? You're chasing a red herring. If McCain had been born to Panamanians on a military base, it would be a different story. McCain's parents were U.S. citizens, and so is he. He was never naturalized. He was born a citizen. He's a natural born citizen.

The intention of the authors of the Constitution was that no person born outside the geographical boundaries of the several States of the United States of America be eligible to hold the office of President of the United States of America. Animus ad se omne jus ducit - It is to the intention that all law applies. Animus moninis est anima scripti - The intention of the party is the soul of the instrument. 3 Bulstr 67 - Maxims of Law from Bouvier's 1856 Law Dictionary.

Animus moninis on that for a while. I'm not denying that the courts will fix this for McCain if they have to, but so what? Since when does the Constitution intrude on what the Corporation of the United States needs, especially when the manufactured reality of the controlled adversaries is at stake?

Animus moninis est anima scripti, huh? I don't know if I subscribe to that, but I find it interesting that you do, in light of 1 Stat. 103-04. What is it? It's only a statute passed by Congress in 1790. It seems like what the First Congress had to say would shed some light on the Founders' intentions, doesn't it? I mean, we can debate about how important the Founders' intentions actually were, but one great source for finding out what the intentions were would be statutes passed by the First Congress. Let's listen in on that conversation from the distant past, shall we?
1 Stat. 103-04 (1790) wrote:And the children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens. . . .

Personally, I don't know if I like the animus moninis approach. Bouvier's Dictionary is certainly not controlling authority, I know that much. But - once you subscribe to that approach, it's pretty hard to ignore that animus when you see it, huh? You'll find a way, though. I have faith in you.

I also have faith that if Ron Paul's mother had her pinky toe in Ontario when he was born, you wouldn't be hearing about 1 Stat. 103-04 for the first time from me. We'd be seeing that shit from you in oversized green or red or blue letters.

But by all means, show me something from the Founders indicating the opposite. The blog you lifted that quote from didn't; it only had speculation about what the Founders must have been thinking.

The fact is, the conversation is useless. No court has decided the question (because courts only decide cases and controversies, and this issue has never come up). The Constitution is not unambiguous about the issue either. And in the end, either result is a victory for you - if the Court rules McCain ineligible, you win because you're right about natural born citizenship. If the Court rules McCain eligible, you win because you're right about the CFR lizards subverting the Constitution.

I think there's a point to be made here that a position that is crafted to be unlosable is essentially vacuous or meaningless...

Take the last word:

Presidential Candidate: John McCain

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 2:27 pm
by Ty Webb_Archive
Considering all the legal precedent about foreign US military bases being sovereign US soil and about children born to US citizens while abroad, this seems like the slimmest of slim threads, a total non-issue. There isn't a chance in hell a court would declare McCain, born to not one but two US citizens, while on a US military base, and who has served in combat for the US armed services, a non-natural born citizen and ineligible for the presidency. It's ludicrous.

And to claim that it's something significant being ignored by a manipulated media is the very definition of "a stretch." You're really scraping the barrel on this one, bob.

Presidential Candidate: John McCain

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 2:36 pm
by Linus Van Pelt_Archive
Ty Webb wrote:And to claim that it's something significant being ignored by a manipulated media is the very definition of "a stretch." You're really scraping the barrel on this one, bob.

No he's not. The bottom of the barrel is far deeper than this. Ask him about flags with gold fringe, or the Queen of England's involvement with Social Security, the British Bar Association, or the significance of capital letters. The weird theories he propounds on this board (including this one) are very sane compared with the ones he doesn't. I'm curious to know if there's any CT madness he rejects. Faked moon landing? Anything? I mean, even with the bullshit detector set on extraordinarily low sensitivity, it still has to go off occasionally, right?