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Favorite pissed off break-up songs

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 1:58 pm
by Brett Eugene Ralph_Archive
SecondEdition wrote:All this and no one mentions anything off Marvin Gaye's "Here, My Dear". The ultimate male self-pity album. A couple come to mind like "Here, My Dear", "When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You" and "You Can Leave, But It's Going To Cost You."

Good call.

Favorite pissed off break-up songs

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 2:00 pm
by Colonel Panic_Archive
Boombats wrote:I haven't been dumped since high school. I am supreme loverman. I dump them occasionally (more often convince them that multiple partners is good for the relationship).

That said, some G.G. Allin is great for when you're pissed at the ladies, although ai think there are more and better songs by other artists by/for women who been done wrong by they man.

Colonel Panic wrote:"My Girlfriend's Dead" by The Vandals [ LISTEN ]

PutFile SUCKS!!!! Won't do shit on a Mac.

thee_eyeball_kid, are you into Thelema? Or just Coil/Current93/Psychic TV?

Try going through the download procedure to get the mp3 file.

Thelema? Why would you ask me that? I'm not into any form of magick or superstition at all, though I do find it amusing and interesting from a cultural perspective.

Oh, you must be asking because of the "Thee" :lol:

No, I think I started doing that because I tried creating a user account for some sort of online community or email account or something, with the name "the eyeball kid" and got the message that it was already taken. So I added another "e" and it worked just fine. I guess it became sort of a habit for awhile.

I try not to use "eyeball kid" much anymore, because people always expect me to be a youngster, and when they find out how old I really am, it makes me look like some sort of child-stalking pedobear.

As far as that Laylah stuff goes, I like it sometimes. I think Coil has some good stuff, and I prefer stuff like The Hafler Trio to your Nurse With Wound or Current 93... So yeah I listen to it occasionally, but I don't fashion my entire self-image around it or anything.

Oh yeah... and I'd also like to mention "It's All Over Now" by The Rolling Stones.

Favorite pissed off break-up songs

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 2:02 pm
by Boombats_Archive
Colonel Panic wrote:I try not to use "eyeball kid" much anymore, because people always expect me to be a youngster, and when they find out how old I really am, it makes me look like some sort of child-stalking pedobear.

I would go see a band called Pedobear.

Favorite pissed off break-up songs

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 2:04 pm
by madlee_Archive
sung in my best smooth scientologist voice:

By the time I get to phoenix, you fucking bitch.

Favorite pissed off break-up songs

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 2:06 pm
by Colonel Panic_Archive
For Halloween I'm going to go as a pedobear.

I'll rent a bear costume and wear an oversized t-shirt that says "NAMBLA."

Favorite pissed off break-up songs

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 2:30 pm
by eephour_Archive
Pavement Saw

Favorite pissed off break-up songs

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 2:48 pm
by tbone_Archive
"Sluttering (May 4th)" by Jawbreaker. I didn't have a girlfriend when I listened to that album incessantly in high school, so I was all "FUCK YOU IMAGINARY GIRLFRIEND" when I would listen to it.

Favorite pissed off break-up songs

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 3:06 pm
by Mr Chimp_Archive
Willpower by Today Is The Day will take your sad depressive state and turn it into something akin to an adrenalized active state.

Once you calm down, you'll feel pretty good.

Favorite pissed off break-up songs

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 3:26 pm
by lemur68_Archive
"Tearing", Rollins Band.

Shut up. This thread opened with the Toadies.

Double ditto on "New Boyfriend."

Favorite pissed off break-up songs

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 3:29 pm
by oucheh_Archive
I would say that Issac Hayes' cover of "By the Time I Get to Phoenix," is probably one of the best break-up songs of all time. Almost twenty minutes of glory.
