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Your Favorite: Mom or Dad

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 2:21 pm
by Nico Adie_Archive
Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:
burun wrote:
John W. wrote:I won't say for fear of one of my parents coming across this forum and getting their feelings hurt.

My mom *has* read the PRF.

She knows all about you guys.

She's been known to "log on" while she's over here.

Solid gold, Brett Ralph.

I love both my parents equally.

Your Favorite: Mom or Dad

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 2:46 pm
by Johnny 13_Archive
Nico Adie wrote:I love both my parents equally.



I can accept an inability to pick, but someone always wins.

Your Favorite: Mom or Dad

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:57 pm
by burun_Archive
Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:
burun wrote:
John W. wrote:I won't say for fear of one of my parents coming across this forum and getting their feelings hurt.

My mom *has* read the PRF.

She knows all about you guys.

She's been known to "log on" while she's over here.

Why you gotta be so mean, Brett Eugene Ralph?

Yer mama's navel protrudes*

*apparently a very big dis in Japan.

Your Favorite: Mom or Dad

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:32 am
by carpe_diaz_Archive
MrFood wrote:Well, I've never come to within inches of swinging a hefty right hook at my mum whereas I have with dad, so I guess mum wins.

I went toe to toe with each of them once I thought I could take 'em. I was 12 or 13 with mom and ~16 on dad. After that they gave me zero shit.

Strangely, now they're both quite pleasant individually. Together, unbearable. It's a shame that their divorce failed. It's actually quite sad that two people could go 30+ years without finding ANYONE, ANYONE to spend time with. Can you imagine being stuck with someone you rejected in 1974? At least they maintain separate houses.

Vote goes to Dad for being everything I didn't want to emulate as a parent. Thanks Dad, your grandson thanks you too.

Your Favorite: Mom or Dad

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:16 am
by tommydski_Archive
Mother - hippy chick who was on the brown acid at Woodstock and never really recovered. Surfs, cooks, listens to Neil Young and encouraged me to read from a very early age. Basically single-handedly taught me everything good and decent about the world. Worked so very, very hard her whole life. Getting sorta crazy in her old age.

Father - violent, boring asshole. Raised me financially but I think we'd have a better relationship if I didn't have to live with the knowledge that he used to beat my mother shitless whilst she was pregnant with me. Disagree with him on basically every subject except football.

Your Favorite: Mom or Dad

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:28 am
by B_M_L_Archive
I don't have parents. I am a spambot.

Y'all are so insensitive.

Your Favorite: Mom or Dad

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 11:56 am
by Johnny 13_Archive
The vote is going as I expected it to. I wonder if it would be a little more even if we had a better sex balance here. Mothers are always gonna win, but I know lotsa women who fight with their mothers and get spoiled by their fathers. I will be very happy if I could measure up to the point where my daughter would have a hard time picking between us when she is an adult.

Your Favorite: Mom or Dad

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 12:43 pm
by Adam CR
Both CRAP, but mother wins by sheer merit of physical presence.

Your Favorite: Mom or Dad

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:41 pm
by Steve V_Archive
I'm not going to vote because the balance of my parents is delicate and perfect. They complement each other really well. It's kind of like my father is the turntable and my mother is a good album. One provides the ability for the other to constantly reward. Don't ask me why it makes sense to use that analogy but it does.

My father is a really conservative New York Italian...very family-oriented, very proud, very wise, and incredibly funny. An excellent provider and a truly loving man.

My mother is a less conservative no bullshit woman from a broken home in Yonkers, New York...had to take care of a mentally and physically sick mother for years who crapped out two sisters my mom adores like they were her daughters. Always loving, very encouraging, and the best cook to ever have walked the Earth.

Plus, they fucked and made me, which would've been impossible had one of them not been there.

Awesome people...can't or won't choose.

Your Favorite: Mom or Dad

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:35 pm
by Minotaur029_Archive
Steve V. wrote:
John W. wrote:I won't say for fear of one of my parents coming across this forum and getting their feelings hurt.

Yes, it would never happen... still, I'm that paranoid.

Same here.

My parents would never come here. They don't know anything about me. My brother is the all-American boy...on a cross-country scholarship at my college, the University of Wisconsin-Madison. My father actually reads the running message board my brother posts on though.

Yesterday my brother came home so shitfaced he couldn't walk properly...or even speak for that matter. He gets blackout drunk...(these runners like to push their limits in ALL things). Once again, I held him up as I took him up the stairs...tried as best I could to keep him from bumping into EVERYTHING. I've had to support his weight (my younger brother is now bigger than me and might be able to beat me up [but I am a good fighter]) countless times...hiding him from police that would RUIN his scholarship.

My dad woke me up by briefly screaming at my brother before work. Nice alarm, no?

That night, I finally finished a demo I had been working on all of second semester. I like the sound of my brother's shitty guitar, so I used that one...and he lit into me for it. I reminded him (or more so...explained to him as he couldn't even move properly at the memories...blackout) that I had carried him to bed, yet again just last night when he couldn't even breathe without heavy labor. I told him about all the times (times he doesn't believe happened) that I had to hold him upright and get him around (generally pretty huge distances) and he just cursed me out and walked away. He's never had to hold a job, and he can just ask my parents for money...he just pushes them around and gets what he wants.

As usual, I was blamed for the fight by my mother (if my mom hadn't been there, my dad would have probably been apoplectic in comparison). I told her that, as always, there is no fight as long as I roll over. To this, she stuck her middle fingers in my face, talking over me so she didn't have to listen to me...again. I finally told her that I didn't even care what she and dad thought of me anymore, because if I did, I would have completely lost my mind as many as seven years ago.

My parents know nothing about me. They wouldn't be able to name my record label...they wouldn't be able to name any of the bands that I'm into...they've given me virtually ZERO support when it comes to the one thing in this life that I truly understand and love. They have no idea what I do with my time...the people I meet...the interests I have...

It made me so sick to my stomach yesterday. It just makes me wanna shrivel up and die sometimes. It hurts so badly when I stop to think about it. If my parents were just more understanding, I think my life would be better x 5.

I've just depressed the shit out of myself sitting here at work telling you guys this crap. I'm gonna work on a form to distract myself from my office, most of the time, others' realities are way, way more grim than mine.