Pass along some love...

Rotten Tanx wrote:
kerble wrote:Rotten Tanx, your hatred of everything is inspiring.

Damn. I got a mention and it was total mistaken identity. I do hate stuff but I dont "rant" at this board, must've been someone else.

I think you were Rottener at the time I wrote it, I see you more as Pleasant Tanx, now. Although you did wish rectal cancer on that one bloke.

kerble is right.

Pass along some love...

Pleasant Tanx wrote:Oh Mr kerble you're too kind, that was the best present of all. God bless us everyone!

As soon as I outgrow these crutchets, I'll do a little jig.

Christmas Tanx wrote:(and the rectal cancer remark was after he said something about how he loves to beat up "niggers", totally justified)

:bear: grr.

Since this is just becoming a discussion, I'd like to pass some love on to Mr. Cranius, whoever the hell you are, you seem like a smart and funny hombre. Placeholder and run, joe, run kill me, too.

And I'm glad Random_Dragon is back, even if he's got a candy cane stuck in his pooter.

kerble is right.

Pass along some love...

kerble wrote:
Pleasant Tanx wrote:Oh Mr kerble you're too kind, that was the best present of all. God bless us everyone!

As soon as I outgrow these crutchets, I'll do a little jig.

Christmas Tanx wrote:(and the rectal cancer remark was after he said something about how he loves to beat up "niggers", totally justified)

:bear: grr.

Since this is just becoming a discussion, I'd like to pass some love on to Mr. Cranius, whoever the hell you are, you seem like a smart and funny hombre. Placeholder and run, joe, run kill me, too.

And I'm glad Random_Dragon is back, even if he's got a candy cane stuck in his pooter.


there ain't no cane stuck up my ass
Better yet, eat the placenta!!!

Pass along some love...

kerble wrote:Since this is just becoming a discussion, I'd like to pass some love on to Mr. Cranius, whoever the hell you are, you seem like a smart and funny hombre.

God Bless Kerble! (whatever god that may be)

God Bless the good ship Electrical Audio and all of the salty mates that toil her decks!

God Bless Unarmedman without whom we would have no-one to argue with!

And lastly God Bless Shellac for putting on a sterling show in London last month.

God Bless you, one and all!

(at this point we should all throw our top hats in the air and cheer!)

Pass along some love...

Cue the violin, please...
This past year has been quite a strange and emotional one for me.
I became an uncle for the first time, went to the Oscars, got engaged, got a new job, ended my engagement, moved out of our apartment, went into a deep depression, wrote more songs than I know what to do with and had sex with Catwoman on Halloween night.

But through it all, and I'm not sure why, I've found solice here. I've posted some personal stuff here, I've posted some stupid stuff here and I've posted some baseball stuff here. This is a smart website with good people who all have the same thing in common... Their love for ProTools.

I'm grateful for Kerble. Thanks a ton, man... you know why.
I'm grateful for Bradley R. WhiteSoxfan. Outstanding baseball and beyond posts! Hilarious.
I'm grateful to have a site where smart dialog and differing opinions can be had and respected between strangers.

It's been a weird year. Here's to hoping next year's even weirder.

A quick reflection here which underscores how cool the people on here are...
The night I moved out of the apartment I shared with my then fiancee and moved into my new place, I sat down and just started typing. The reality that my engagement was over was starting to sink in. When I finished, what I had written made me sob like Nancy Kerrigan after a well-deserved flogging. My finger hovered over the "Submit" button for a bit, as I was unsure how that post would be received. I said, "Fuck it," and submitted it.
The support I received from that posting will never be forgotten. I was fully expecting, "You pussy!" responses, but I got honest support that helped me more than you'll ever know. I'm grateful for that. I'm saddened I went back the next morning and deleted the post.

Thanks all. Have a great New Year's. It's Christmas now... must start wrapping my presents.

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