Poll: Lamest song you ve ever heard in your entire life

Sometime around '98, when all attention was focused on St. Louis over the big, dumb home run record being broken, there was a super-special mix of Creed's song "Higher" being played all over the goddamned place. You couldn't escape it if you tried. This song reached a rare, Halley's Comet-level of awful that has yet to be topped. It is the Holocaust of music, and as such, should be preserved for future generations to hear and vow: "Never Again." The original song is enough of an abortion on its own, but this... this... Jesus Christ--this masterpiece of suck had been intercut with samples of sportscaster knuckleheads engaging in the worst kind of hyperbole imaginable. Just mind-bogglingly horrible.

Mark McGwire Masturbation Sports-Mix of Creed's "Higher" = The worst song I have ever heard in my life.

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