Radiohead To Self-Release New Album

Apparently they are going to release it on standard CD in early 2008.

I have no idea how they're going to distribute it, but more power to them.

Is this basically Radiohead leaking their own album before they release it? This raises interesting questions of when something can be "released." know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Radiohead To Self-Release New Album

SecondEdition wrote:Apparently they are going to release it on standard CD in early 2008.

I have no idea how they're going to distribute it, but more power to them.

Is this basically Radiohead leaking their own album before they release it? This raises interesting questions of when something can be "released."

now that i think about it, they're a bunch a pussies.

if they REALLY want to send a big "fuck you" to the record labels and distribution system, they'll release this on a thursday.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

Radiohead To Self-Release New Album

Minotaur029 wrote:
llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:
Minotaur029 wrote:I'd like to see Radiohead strip their sound down to a drier T&G type sound

Are you high or something?

Where else is there for them to go? Thom Yorke released a solo record a couple years ago that was super "computery"...if they want to do evolve and grow once again, they can't keep making Amnesiac and Kid A, right? If they plan on having a really long career, a dramatically stripped back sound would be a way for them to remain pertinent. Make a band record instead of an enormous record full of bells, whistles, and entire brass sections, Radiohead! That might be cool!

In 1967, Bob Dylan supposedly released the first "roots"'s a cliché (the "roots" record), but in Radiohead's case, it'd be fucking unexpected and incredible to behold. It'd be interesting to see what they would do if they went back to a more Bends type sound...seeing as now they are far more mature (i.e., drained of youthful bombast/piss/vinegar) and masterful than they were during that period ("mature" is really the key word here, not "masterful").

If I was high all the time (like I was when I joined the board through about March or April), I would be far more careful not to frequently piss people off on the board. I have not been smoking very much marijuana as of late (though certain board members can call me on this [except for one sleepy dude]).

That was a super long response to a five word sentence. I'll try to include an appropriate emoticon in my posts so that you don't take everything I say so seriously.

Anyways, I'm sure Radiohead would appreciate your advice. I don't know what you're trying to imply by bringing Dylan into this.

"Drunken Punch Up at a Wedding" was pretty pissy and not on the Bends.

Which reminds me...lick my balls you inconsiderate little douche nozzle. I've noticed that you only seem to have a bunch of spiteful shit to say all the time...there was one particular instance on the Sendspace thread that pissed me off royally. I only just now got around to letting you know.

I have no idea as to what you are referring to, but feel free to send me a link. Maybe you shouldn't get so worked up over internet stuff.

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