Make use of the "site", "intitle" and "inurl" delimiters. When used properly, they can make your searches very powerful and concise.
The site: delimiter allows you to search a specific site. Try:
Code: Select all "my social security number is"
The inurl: delimiter returns pages that have the search term(s) in the actual url of the page. Try googling the following and see what returns:
Code: Select all
The intitle: delimiter returns pages that have the search term(s) in the page title (the page title is those words you see in your browser window's title bar). Try googling:
Code: Select all
You can also include a bunch of words with the delimiter "allinurl" or "allintitle" and it'll return only Web pages with all your terms in the url or title.
You can also combine any of the above commands in a single search, and group search terms together using parenthesis or plus signs "+". You can use minus signs "-" to exclude terms you don't want to appear in your search results.
You can even search for directories and ftp sites that are open to the Web. Try these:
Code: Select all
-inurl:asp -inurl:html -inurl:htm intitle:"index of" +(mp3|ogg|flac)+"music"
Code: Select all
-inurl:asp -inurl:html -inurl:htm intitle:"index of /ftp" +(wmv|mpg|avi) + "videos"
In those searches, the first few terms (the ones with the minus signs in front) are there to weed out results with "asp", "html", "htm", which are all common file extensions found within normal Web page URLs. We're searching for directory structures here, not normal Web pages.
The delimiter "intitle:" with the words "index of" specifies results with the words "Index of" in the title, which is a phrase most Web server directories and Web ftp sites contain.
Then of course the filetypes grouped together in the format: (xxx|xxx|xxx) look for whatever kinds of files we want to find within the directories. The final word in quotes is another keyword to whatever you want to find. The assumption is that directories named "music" will contain music files, ones named "videos" will contain movies. You can also search for other types of files this way, like pdf files with the keyword "ebooks" or jpegs with the keyword "pr0n". Whatever.
BTW, the use of these kinds of logically structured searches is called "data mining".