Vistalite restoration project-Post your Vista-porn pics

dontfeartheringo wrote:Oh, man. I thought there were photos up when I saw Dr. Venkman had posted!

I'll be here, drumming my fingers on the dog's head and waiting.

You're doing God's work, restoring that kit. I can't wait to see it.

Thanks. It's slow goin', ya know. There's not gonna be a big payoff on the pics right away, because I'm still on the first drum. I'll post 'em anyway when i get home from work.

sonicdeath wrote:This thread... it makes me feel like i'm a kid waiting for a Harry potter book.

I find myself mesmerized waiting to see what happens to these gorgeous drums...

Good luck

Thanks. (spoiler alert) I die at the end and the wizard is gay.

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

Vistalite restoration project-Post your Vista-porn pics

This is a great thread - thanks for posting the pics of your kit. I read on that fewer than 50 green kits were ever sold The 18" floor, in particular, is one rare bird.

I rehabbed a clear kit and I thought that was a large undertaking, but you have really got your hands full. I'm planning on taking some pics of my kit next month, I'll post them here once I do...

the world needs more Acrylic Drum pr0n...

Vistalite restoration project-Post your Vista-porn pics

kerble wrote:hey kids, there's someone in gurnee, IL (about an hour north of chicago, or an hour south of milwaukee) selling some vistalites (I believe the 'smoke' colored ones) on crag list for $600. I don't know how much they go for, but if it's your thing.....

This thread is great, btw. I know almost nothing about drums, yet this thread fills me with glee.

Thanks, Kerble. Your first five drum lessons are free.

I have emailed the guy.

the guy with the drums wrote:Ringo, thanks for your interest. Are you in Gerogia? I am in Illinois near WIsconsin border. What kind of Yamaha birch set do you have? Send me some pics I will send you some as well after my rehearsal tomorrow. My phone number is 262-xxx-xxxx Dan

I may be blowing through Chicago some time soon, folks....
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Vistalite restoration project-Post your Vista-porn pics

optimistic wrote:This is a great thread - thanks for posting the pics of your kit. I read on that fewer than 50 green kits were ever sold The 18" floor, in particular, is one rare bird.

I rehabbed a clear kit and I thought that was a large undertaking, but you have really got your hands full. I'm planning on taking some pics of my kit next month, I'll post them here once I do...

the world needs more Acrylic Drum pr0n...

Thanks! PLEASE post pics...being in the midst of green kit restoration, and learning all that it entails, I can only imagine that a clear kit is just... impossible. That being said, I realize that a perfect restoration is near impossible. That's not to say that I am settling for anything by any means. Just that I know that there are limitations.

I will NOT sell these drums. Money is not at all, and never was, a factor. I'm going to play these Goddamn drums. In other news, I rip comic books from their original packaging and tear open the boxes on vintage Star Wars toys so my kids can play with it was meant to be.

It's gonna be SLOW...I want to see cool pics of the finished drums just as much as you. I'm a busy dude and it's going to be months before I'm done.

That being are the latest, uneventful pics....

Thanks to everyone who's expressed an interest. I never would have thought that there would be so much unbridled support. This forum fucking rocks.

Kerble wrote:This thread is great, btw. I know almost nothing about drums, yet this thread fills me with glee.

Thanks Kerble! (Now, if I don't do this right, I'll look like a real ass.)

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

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