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Whats your progression of amplifiers up to now??

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:25 pm
by busbus_Archive
alex maiolo wrote:Gallien-Kruger 250ml - 1986

Alex Lifeson would be proud.

Whats your progression of amplifiers up to now??

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:50 pm
by Snowblinder_Archive
Gorilla GG-10.
Some ultra shitty Crate 2x8 or 2x10 combo with built in chorus.
Peavey Supreme 160 head with Kustom 4x12 cabinet.
Mesa Boogie Mark III 100 watt head with Mesa Boogie halfback 4x12 cabinet.
-added a Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cabinet soon after.
Marshall JCM 900 100 watt head.
-traded the halfback cab for a '75 Marshall 4x12.
-traded the Rectifier 4x12 for a Marshall 1960AV 4x12.
Marshall JMP 50 watt head (which, by the way, is for sale as I type this. Let me know if you're interested)
Marshall JCM 800 100 watt head.
Traynor Group Three head plus two matching tall 4x12 cabs.
Sunn 610L cabinet.
Acoustic 370.
Ampeg 8x10 cabinet.
Ampeg V-4B.
Ampeg SVT Classic.
Fender Bassman 60 watt head.
Traynor TS-10.
Fender Hot Rod Deville 2x12 combo.
Acoustic AC1800 power amp.
Ampeg VT-22 2x12 combo.
Ampeg B-15N Portaflex.

Most of this stuff is long gone. I'd kill to have that V-4B and the '75 Marshall cab back.

Whats your progression of amplifiers up to now??

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:22 am
by Speedie_Archive
Gorilla 10w combo (grrrrrr)
Some P.O.S. jazz chorus knock off
Marshall jcm 800 (sold it to buy----
marshall 9000 rack Pre and power amp (Iknow iknow it was the early 90's.....sorry)
Laney 100w tube head toys................ music fiend girlfriend............
Ashdown Fallen Angel (tooooooooooo bass heavy)]
Horrid Marshall valvestate head
Mesa Boogie Dual Rec Rackmount head (still a child of the 90's! but she does make all the right noises for me!!

Whats your progression of amplifiers up to now??

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:44 am
by max_Archive
Fender Bandmaster Blackface
Fender Pro Junior Tweed
Hiwatt DR-201
Traynor TS50b
Sovtek Bassov 50B

4 bass cabs with EVM 15Ls
2x12" open back guit cab
4x12" Fender Tonemaster cab

I've never had any other amps or cabs, still have all of them and I'm not planning to sell any of these.

Whats your progression of amplifiers up to now??

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:25 am
by Benny_Archive
alex maiolo wrote:
G-K MB150 - used Boogie 1x15 when needed

how do you liked that G-K alex? i have a dream of owning a small, very nice sounding bass amp, and they were selling one of those.

Whats your progression of amplifiers up to now??

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:30 am
by ianscanlon_Archive
satellite practice amp (broke volume nob off it)
WEM dominator combo (blew this up what a teenage loser)
Yamaha huge combo I think it was an organ amp (had to give this back to guitarists brother)
Carlsbro stingray head +1x15 (sold by my mum as soon as i left home)
Peavey Mark III (nice to see some other people had this too I loved mine)
+a trace elliot 4x10 w/ tweeter (lame, I burned out the tweeter playing guitar)

then I swapped to guitar for a few years.. although I did gig playing bass with a marshall bass system 200 watt head which was pretty crappy for bass but is now used to great effect for guitar by chris lords, and an ashdown mag 350H head that sucked, a blue ashdown combo that was alright and an ampeg b15t solid state combo that was great.

Selmer t 'n' b 100 w/ vox ac30 solidstate as a cab, amazing, as used by 90 day men, joel plaskett, the lapse and many other bands on tour to much acclaim.. but got stolen
selmer t 'n' b 50 w/ vox solid state 2x10 amp as a cab.. not as amazing but still nice
H and H IC100 amp, found on a tip by a band mate for £2 I replaced the speakers when they blew and got it for nothing.. this amp was the best for loud noise rock stuff I've ever used. Hear/ see it used by the chap I swapped it with here ... WrS85k?b=1

note the smashing light up panel!

but I swapped back to bass and quietish guitar

so currently I have

Vox cambridge reverb I really like this, it's basically never clean but i like the sound alot especially with my crappy 335 copy (not so good with single coil guitars)
and another ampeg b15t which keeps breaking, but I really like the sound. That's good for loud guitar too.

Whats your progression of amplifiers up to now??

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:51 am
by Adam I_Archive
Battery powered 'The Axe' amp about the size of a book.
Marlin 25w 1x12 (fun!).
Marshall 'Master Lead' combo (2x12, solid state, awesome).
Marshall Valvestate 80w.
Carlton Camel (all valve, all switching design fiasco that put them out of business).
Laney 'pro' Linebacker (120w, 2x12, loud but dull).
Trace Elliot Super Tramp stack (cheap, sounded good, but broke all the time).
Trace Elliot Super Tramp combos.
Selmer TnB 50 with Laney 1x12 cab (ace).
Currently I have no amp.

Whats your progression of amplifiers up to now??

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:26 am
by honeyisfunny_Archive
Vester Maniac (borrowed, really cool)
Marshall 8080 (blew it up)
Marshall 8080 (replacement from Marshall)
Fender The Twin (still my main amp, 11 years on)
Fender Musicmaster Bass Valve bass amp (borrowed for a year or so, very very nice)
Marshall MS2 micro stack (it broke but I have it still)
Teisco Solid State Checkmate (still own it)
Trace Elliot something-or-other 2x12 combo (loaned to me for about 2 years, now back with the guy who owns it)
Peavey Bandit 112 (given away to a friend)
Dallas Arbiter mini-Twin (with 2 oval speakers) - speakers popped but still own it
Marshall 200 watt bass head and 1x15 Laney Cab (painted it yellow, still own it)
Euclid 150 head (Sound City 120 chassis, rebuilt and reboxed by Euclid in Leeds) and matching 4x12 with Celestion Greenbacks - still own these, mainly because the head has a cock and balls drawn on the circuit board.
Simms Watts 100 PA head (sold to Barney from Epideme)
Traynor TS10 (still own this)
Marshall JMP 100 Super Bass (sold to a guy in Italy and then immediately blew up)
Laney 30w Linebacker (sold it)

Plus countless amps I've bought and sold like a Marshall Jubilee head and cab, a Marshall JCM800 head and cab, a Marshall 4x12 bass cab, a 73 Hiwatt DR103 head...

Whats your progression of amplifiers up to now??

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:42 am
by Adam I_Archive
honeyisfunny wrote:sold to a guy in Italy and then immediately blew up)

You remember the guy's name? I sold a very rare Simms Watt (forgot to list it) combo to some insanely keen Italian amp collector recently...

Whats your progression of amplifiers up to now??

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:43 am
by simmo_Archive
honeyisfunny wrote:Vester Maniac (borrowed, really cool)

Honestly, without irony, this amp is actually incredibly good for what it is. I mean yes, it is a budget practice amp, but it sounds better than any other budget practice amp I've ever come across. GJHardwick used one of these for a gig me and him played together once - sounded fine. I've used it for bedroom recording - sounded fine. There was one in my old housemate's bedroom cupboard when we moved in... when you get them for free they're even better. Seriously though, I'd recommend this to anyone looking for a first amp on a budget.

do you remember it so fondly as I, Chris?