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How The Bankers Rip You Off , Summed Up In 1 Paragraph

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:12 am
by yaledelay_Archive
I might suggest you sell military goods as there always seems to be a big demand and we make a lot of them here in america. The profet margin seems pretty sweet.

I wrote
I believe people create there own opportunity, I want no part in destroying peoples opportunity,
I have been offered postitions at huge pharma companies, I would be making 5 times what I make now, and I have turned them down everytime. Being is sales should never mean a lack of morals.

How The Bankers Rip You Off , Summed Up In 1 Paragraph

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:27 am
by Big John_Archive

I was not acusing you of lack of morals just joking on what seems to be americas biggest exportable good. I guess that did not come across.

Now that you mention it I guess a lot of drugs are exported too, media is a big export on some level too.

How The Bankers Rip You Off , Summed Up In 1 Paragraph

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 6:56 pm
by yaledelay_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
yaledelay wrote:So Bob, yes, I have more important things to do than argue with you, I am out keeping the American people working, getting there pay check and putting food on there table.
If you actually cared about the American people, you would be researching the problems with the economy and then speaking out against them. You aren't. You are proud of yourself for pulling money out of this economy while you make plans to leave it. You don't care at all about the people who have built homes and businesses and started families that are bound to US soil. These people cannot pull in their nets and sail off to better fishing like you plan to do. They're going to be caught in the shit of this economy. Obviously, people that you call friends are in this predicament. The guy who owns the studio that runs this forum is in this predicament.

You don't speak out against the shitmakers. You've never made a single post against the bankers or Wall Street or the military-industrial complex, because they're the backbone of the economy that you leech off. You want their con game to go unnoticed, because you're riding it. You're part of the army of opportunists who say 'the economy is working for me, so why should I complain?' And then you proudly say that you have planned to let someone else clean up the mess when your free ride is over.

What will be the sign for you to start your engines, yale? When the sounds of hungry babies screaming for food from their unemployed mothers becomes an annoying distraction to your X-Box gameplay?

Back to news for people who still consider themselves Americans:
july 10, 2008 wrote:Fannie, Freddie `Insolvent' After Losses, Poole Says

Borrowing at Fannie Mae, the U.S. government-sponsored mortgage company, has never been so expensive and it may not get better any time soon.

Fannie Mae paid a record yield relative to Treasuries on the sale of $3 billion in two-year notes yesterday amid concern the biggest provider of financing for U.S. home loans won't have enough capital to weather the worst housing slump since the Great Depression. The company's credit-default swaps show traders are treating the AAA rated debt as if it were five steps lower. Fannie Mae shares tumbled 13 percent yesterday in New York to the lowest level in almost 14 years.

Chances are increasing that the U.S. may need to bail out Fannie Mae and the smaller Freddie Mac, former St. Louis Federal Reserve President William Poole said in an interview.

reuters an hour ago wrote:Fannie, Freddie stocks and bonds plummet

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A firestorm of anxiety over the ability of U.S. mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to get the capital they need to survive sent their debt and stocks plummeting on Thursday.

The outlook was so dire that Bush administration officials were meeting with regulators to discuss contingency plans should they be unable to raise funds and support the worst housing market since the Great Depression, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

You know Bob you are totally right, what the world needs is more people ranting on the internet, and not selling American goods, that seems like a great way to help the American economy...

You talk a lot however you acomplish nothing, how many people are you keeping employed? I have people who's familys depend on my sales, so my best course of action is to be out selling, I'll let you get all chicken little on the internet since it seems like that is the only thing you are able to do properly?

What should I have done with my money? weren't you the one telling everyone to buy gold? When it makes sense I will pump my hard earned $ back into the US, for now this is not the best place for my cash...

How The Bankers Rip You Off , Summed Up In 1 Paragraph

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:24 pm
by yaledelay_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
yaledelay wrote:What should I have done with my money? weren't you the one telling everyone to buy gold? When it makes sense I will pump my hard earned $ back into the US, for now this is not the best place for my cash...
Unsurprisingly, you continue to miss the point entirely. I don't care what you do with your money. I'm telling you that it is shameful for an American citizen to plan for economic trouble while not being an outspoken opponent of the economic system.

You are currently using the US economy to make your income. At the same time, you are making plans to survive a US recession/depression. You are completely shirking your responsibility ( as a US citizen ) to warn your fellow citizens about why it is 'not making sense' for you to invest in the US economy currently. Not only that: you attack me for making posts on the internet that tell people the truth about the economy- and don't tell me some lie about it not being the truth, because you are making plans for my truth.

You are like a person in a building who watches oily rags and gas cans and stacks of newspapers pile up in the corners and under the stairs. Instead of telling people why the threat of a big fire is increasing, you just quietly plan to save yourself from the fire. Those oily rags and gas cans didn't get there on their own. They were put there by people. People much like you apparently- people who are only looking out for their own interests.

If you are planning for economic trouble and not working to expose the villains who will bring the economic trouble, then you are just a selfish jerk who worries only about his own money and doesn't care about the people who have been conned by this bullshit economy.

You, yaledelay, do not want to give people good information. You want people to remain blissfully ignorant about the oily rags and the gas cans. You want them to be caught off-guard, because faith in the US economy is what allows you to keep on making money at your job. If the truth scares people, you won't tell the truth. If peer pressure and political correctness tell you to keep your mouth shut, you keep your mouth shut. It would be bad for your business if too many people got an honest look at this economy, so you won't give it to them. Your personal business is your only concern, that and your personal plan to save your own economic skin.

What I'm telling you goes for anyone else here who works in the financial services industries and isn't speaking the truth about the who, why and how of this economy. They're all trying to keep people stupid, which means that they're on the side of the gangsters and the predators.

This economy will not be brought down by the 2% who control it. This economy will be brought down by the tens of millions who lied for the 2%.

As always Rick you have completely missed the point, some people are out helping create jobs, helping the American workforce, my sales keep people eating, I would think that is important to those people. You can talk about it, while I do something about it, as Rick we can all see you love to spout off, but your words mean nothing without action. So go nuts here, as I am sure the 5 people who read your posts we have the buying power to save the American economy...


Ricky Ruben

If you are planning for economic trouble and not working to expose the villains who will bring the economic trouble, then you are just a selfish jerk who worries only about his own money and doesn't care about the people who have been conned by this bullshit economy.

I wasn't planning for the US economic downturn, I was planning for mine, I work in sales on straight commision and plan to start my own business someday (wow giving more Americans jobs, I must really hate Americans Huh?) you never know in my business when things will go downhill, I have been planning to own a business for over 13 years, well before I heard of most of the people here...

So keep writing Rick, it sure seems to be helping...

How The Bankers Rip You Off , Summed Up In 1 Paragraph

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:12 pm
by yaledelay_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
yaledelay wrote:I wasn't planning for the US economic downturn, I was planning for mine
That makes no sense. Nobody plans their own economic downturn, they plan for economic downturns beyond their control. The part of the economy that is within your control is fine. You said so yourself. You said you were good at your job, making money and living debt-free. You are planning for outside events. Stop talking bullshit.

Most people lose money for 2 years before they make money doing what I do, to work on commision you have to be able to live for a long time on nothing, I made a total of $20 in the past two weeks, you have to have money on hand to weather a storm...

Your old quotes:
yaledelay wrote:I am a realist also, if the shit hits the fan I am ready and able to bolt, I didn't make this mess
Of course you helped make this mess. Everyone who refuses to tell the truth about why it is happening is making the mess. There is a woman outside your front door who is being being beaten up and robbed. Do you call 911? You probably would, because it's not politically incorrect to report street criminals. But if the economy that is paying your bills is getting beaten and robbed, do you call 911? No, you don't.

Not only do you not call 911 for the economy, you tell America to keep on smoking debt like it's cheap crack. Not only do you not try and save your fellow citizens, you tell them to keep poisoning themselves:
yaledelay wrote:I still don't care, I transfered most of my money to Tin, Copper and overseas stocks a while, back and am fully prepared to move away somewhere else if I have to, and oh, I rent and own no property... This nation can have all of the dept it wants, go ahead, charge it up and I will stay here while the party lasts, I will then find a new party

Tell me why those boldfaced words don't add up to complete selfishness by you and a complete lack of concern for your fellow Americans.

You are a bad American. You're a very common type of American, but you're still a bad American.

Again Rick keep on changing the face of the economy by posting on a pretty ubscure music web board, I am sure you are greatly effecting the nature of things...

How The Bankers Rip You Off , Summed Up In 1 Paragraph

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:43 pm
by hogrot_Archive
Colonel Panic wrote:
sunlore wrote:Lots of people say lots of things about this stuff but nobody really knows anything.

Yeah that kind of thing is real real common in these threads.

panic when'd you get tits? i've been away for a while busy not getting into conversations about stuff like this.

How The Bankers Rip You Off , Summed Up In 1 Paragraph

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:58 am
by Big John_Archive
For Indy Mac the FDIC and resolution trust model works to make the bank appear to fail. As well a lot of the bad banks are being bought by larger banks in what appears to be arranged marrages.

World Bank - (Previously Sunrise Saving and Loan one of the worst of the savings and loan falures of the 80's was rebuilt as World Savings under resolution trust). Got into more trouble with bad morgages and was obsorbed by Wacovia just after the quarter. Interesting stuff. This obviously was a Bear Stern's type deal but done behind the scenes. The country wide deal with Citybank smells like this too. I think a deal would have been cut with Indy Bank but it tanked faster than expected and was not in as bad a shape as some of the others.

Fannie May and Freddie Mac were designed to house debt from student loans and FHA - Millitary Loan Program loans. Litigation made student loans more attractive to banks by making them high intrest (they used to be 1 to 3 persent flat). As well they used their quasi govermental status to generate money by inplying they were like tresury bills (low risk) but with higher yield and using that money to get into the more desireable areas of banking.

Lots is being done behind the scenes to merge banks untill congress passes the emergency bill that will allow the tresury to absorb banks. Even then a merger seems a positive on Wall Street and does not cause the panic bank falure does. The lines to Indy Bank prove the people are scared and this will create a atmosphere where the goverment will not allow anyone to fail. As this thing spreads to the hedge funds and more broadly that is going to be harder.

What happens then is the goverment will have to print more money (or raise taxes) to pay the intrest on borrowed money or create a lower dollar. Either way it spells disaster for consumers and the economey in general. We are in stagflation now but it looks like things may take a worse turn or if we are luck we will have a 10 year period of slightly better or worse than where we are now. I think that is the best case that the fed is shooting for.