What's The Worst Thing About This Play?

The economics.
Total votes: 1 (20%)
The attitude.
Total votes: 1 (20%)
The fact that I didn't write it. (No votes)
The fact that I didn't understand it. (No votes)
I enjoyed the play. I have no business on this forum.
Total votes: 3 (60%)
Total votes: 5

The Homeless, The Helpless, And The Modern American Liberal

Rick Reuben wrote:"Do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?

Telling the truth 16%

Hiding something 53%

Mostly lying 28%

Not sure 3%"

The 84% figure mirrors other recent polls on the same issue. A Canadian Poll put the figure at 85%. A CNN poll had the figure at 89%

Indeed Bob, but this poll's question isn't, "Do you think that the US Government directly instigated and perpetrated the 9-11 attacks."

For the record I think that "Mostly lying" is what I'd have answered. I fail to see how an unrelated question makes your exact view on 9-11 the mainstream opinion.

Popular Mechanics Report of 9-11

NIST Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster

The Homeless, The Helpless, And The Modern American Liberal

Homeless person: "I need help."

Modern Cocktail Party Liberal: "You've come to the right place [YES]. Here's some money, no questions asked [YES]. Your situation is very unfortunate, and none of it is your own fault [IT MAY ENTIRELY BE YOUR FAULT BUT HERE IS SOME HELP ANYWAY]. Just keep asking, and I'll keep giving [YES]. I'm a liberal, and I'm here to help [WHATEVER, AND YES I'M HERE TO HELP]."

The Homeless, The Helpless, And The Modern American Liberal

Rick Reuben wrote:Everyone should help any poor person who is in need. I do it all the time. I only speak against feeding the addictions of lazy bums, drunks, criminals and drug addicts.
That's an outright lie.

In the Gigantic Fucking Panhandling thread, you claimed that all a panhandler would get is the demand that a bum get a job, because you refuse to aid those crippled by drug addiction or alcoholism and assume that all others are lazy and unwilling to work. You specifically had the pompous self-importance to claim that telling a homeless person to (magically!) get a job qualified as charity.

You are simply a bad person, and not honest enough to admit your lack of care.

And let me add that this:
Rick Reuben wrote:Everyone should help any poor person who is in need. I do it all the time.

is one of the most asinine, condescending, preening, self-glorifying turds to ever slide out of your gullet.

Linus Van Pelt wrote:I subscribe to neither prong of your false dichotomy.

The Homeless, The Helpless, And The Modern American Liberal

I wonder of has ever occurred to Bob that instead of posting the drama version of Vogon Poetry on a forum for Shellac fans he could be down at the local homeless centre helping these homeless folks... maybe Bob is too busy filing his tax return, I mean you got to get that money to fund Iraq somewhere...

PS: to the moderator, please add "Shut the fuck up, hypocrite" to the poll list.

Popular Mechanics Report of 9-11

NIST Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster

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