band : Technician

Total votes: 6 (13%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 14 (31%)
This Band Creeps Me Out
Total votes: 13 (29%)
Total votes: 12 (27%)
Total votes: 45

band : Technician

on mon sep 20, 2004 @ 11:18 pm gnangle wrote:Sometimes its difficult to tell whether its an insult or a compliment. Either way it makes me uncomfortable.I remember going out and buying the Neutrino album because someone said they sounded like shellac..then Carl was into the comparison-greg

then after exactly 364 days, 23 hours and 33 minutes on tue sep 20, 2005 @ 10:51 pm gnangle wrote:Tell me about it, we had to hide from steve CONSTANTLY! when he recorded our final and last album together, it was kind of a drag. But the shame was too great for us to bear! The audacity of inspiration , i'll tell ya!

y'know, if you'd waited just 27 more minutes you could have celebrated the one year anniversary of you getting mad at what some random people on a message board think.

salut! almost!

kerble is right.

band : Technician

Wow. This has turned into quite a read!!

I will also chime in here with a "not crap" vote for Technician. However, this stuff is EXTREMELY shellac-like. That's not easy but it's not ingenious either.

Also, just using a Percolator pedal does not make one shellac-like. Using a percolator and a TB does throw it into the cover-band arena though, imo.

I think Gnangle deserves a huge Salut for chiming in here.

I have to admit I'm interested to see what these guys will do next.

band : Technician

toomanyhelicopters wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:gotta disagree with you mr. advocate for his devilness.....
so many coincidences= shellac cover band.
you even unearthed another one. they named a song after a watch company. shellac has " a watch song." yikes now I am really afraid.
its all int the bread and butter sir.

okay, so wait, now you're telling me that since my KGB watch was made by a Russian watch manufacturer, that now I'm only allowed to be in cover bands?!?! WTF! well at least i'll go with a band that's already done and pick Unwound. ;)

something else that kinda plays into it, to me, is awareness of what they're doing. if they're going for a Shellac-type sound, i think that works in their favor. how many bands would say "i want our *sound* to be like ACDC", and especially with a band like that, if you're writing for that genre, you're bound to have similar riffs, too. cause that's the genre. i guess maybe Shellac is officially an entire genre at this point? surely there's a ton of folks out there who idolize them to the point of wanting to be similar. kinda like Fugazi-inspired bands. or TLJ-inspired bands. it bugs me a little when people listen to Haymarket Riot, for example, and their opinion of that band is "it sounds just like Fugazi". no it doesn't. their riffs structures are pretty different, to me. the stuff the guitars do may sound similar because of the type of interplay, but i still think they do it quite differently than Fugazi. they're doing *their* thing, and yeah, it's post-Fugazi for sure, but still, i think saying they "sound just like Fugazi" does them a serious injustice and downplays what they do. maybe Technician has crossed some generally-agreed-upon-yet-still-subjective line, where it's just too much. but like i say, i hear other bands in there, too, that predate Shellac.

one last thing... do their riffs sound like exact copies of specific Shellac songs? or is it just the *sound*?

okay, yeah, fine, i submit. [devil's advocate/off]

using the harmonic percolator! if it wasn't for the total obscurity of that pedal outside of Steve's using it, i could seriously work this angle so much better!

Hey TMH.

AC/DC didnt' go into the studio saying they wanted to sound like "AC/DC". The same goes for Fugazi, Shellac, etc. The reason those bands are great bands is that they don't really sound like anyone else. Sure, you can hear influences but that's inevitable. Did you ever hear that band "kingdom come"?

They sounded just like Zeppelin and that wasn't a good thing.

I'm not sure why you're arguing the point you are cuz it seems like you're grasping at straws.

Technician=not crap. However, Technician=very shellac-like

band : Technician

full point wrote:Wow. This has turned into quite a read!!

I will also chime in here with a "not crap" vote for Technician. However, this stuff is EXTREMELY shellac-like. That's not easy but it's not ingenious either.

Also, just using a Percolator pedal does not make one shellac-like. Using a percolator and a TB does throw it into the cover-band arena though, imo.

I think Gnangle deserves a huge Salut for chiming in here.

I have to admit I'm interested to see what these guys will do next.

I'll have to chime in and agree with my friend Greg about how we sound and why we sound that way. The fact that anyone ever cared still blows my mind, but then again, I care about a lot of stupid shit too.

It's a shame that you probably won't ever hear the eight or so songs that we had on deck for the next recordings. I thought they were pretty good, even the Butthole Surfers cover. I don't know if they sounded more or less like Shellac songs than anything else we've done, but I'm sure nothing short of us performing "unplugged" would keep people for hearing an influence, and even then I'm not so sure.

To further your comparisons, Greg played through a Traynor TS-50B and I played through an Intersound IVP (which Greg also owns and enjoys) on "Opposition" and live for the last few years, at least. I played either a Fender Telecaster or a Kramer 250-G on any of our recordings, and Greg has always played a Rickenbacker 4003. I do have a Percolator clone, but I don't use it all the time. It's a fuzz pedal -- big deal.

Thanks for paying attention.

band : Technician

ipitcher wrote:I do have a Percolator clone, but I don't use it all the time. It's a fuzz pedal -- big deal.

No, this is a fuzz pedal.


Big deal.

A Harmonic Percolator, clone or not, is a rather specific type of fuzz pedal, with a readily identifiable signature sound.

Of course, if you dont think it's that big a deal, I'd be happy to trade you a DS-1 for it. Just lemme know.
"You get a kink in your neck looking up at people or down at people. But when you look straight across, there's no kinks."
--Mike Watt

band : Technician

interesting, stumbling into this...

i played a show with dysrhythmia in 1999. they had just started. they blew me away. colin marston and i would befriend them and play more shows with them, and eventually colin replaced clayton in the band, but that's much, much later.

dysrhythmia hit it off with technician and thoughtstreams, and for a period of about two years they were a tight-knit circle. i ended up seeing and hearing a lot of technician and having a number of interesting conversations with the friendly folks of technician (including running into greg at a sex toy shop, in which he started joking that i wanted to buy the painful looking dentistry tools -- i guess that's what i get for co-writing a song called "the violence of hygiene").

when i first heard them, i hadn't heard shellac. then i heard shellac and heard technician again.

their sound and style is the same
i prefer the songs technician writes.

few songs by shellac have grabbed me. songs like "monster" and particularly "gyp" by technician have grabbed me.

and they had an unrecorded song called "i saw a photograph of your future and it looked like" (nasty guitar chord)... someday i may cover this song.

a funny side note: when dysrhythmia started, clayton's bass sound was squeaky clean and had lots of chorus. on their second album he turned down the chorus but left it on. then between the second and third album, while they played with technician all the time, his bass tone got more and more distorted and trebley until the third album (recorded by albini -- a totally different sound than the prior record, for better or for worse), in which the bass is always sharp and distorted. for their kind of music i think that kind of tone is overkill, though of course it sounds great in technician (and by extension shellac, though i don't listen to them much).

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