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Hallucination City, 100 Guitarists - Seattle

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 10:08 pm
by mackro_Archive
what if I get paid for my programming work but I also contribute time to open-source projects? Am I not getting more respect for my coding bounce? Or would I be more respected if I told the open-source folks to respect themselves as programmers more and cut the whole programming-without-pay crap?

Hallucination City, 100 Guitarists - Seattle

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 9:36 pm
by burun_Archive
So how was this?

Hallucination City, 100 Guitarists - Seattle

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:39 pm
by that damned fly_Archive
scntfc wrote:oh, i'm one of those people who makes a living off of music, and if you're a touch and go completist then you own a couple records i'm on too. so there. (self deprecating emoticon goes here)

dude, !!! sucks.

Hallucination City, 100 Guitarists - Seattle

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 2:33 pm
by crackedmachine_Archive
burun wrote:So how was this?

I wasn't participating, didn't have a ticket, and just watched from the street. The sound was great, the piece was beautiful, and a few of the performers appeared to be totally consumed playing their guitars. A lot of people watching from the street were entranced. It was beautiful. (Except for the drunken louts drinking Heineken from a paper bag, shouting and making noise at all the wrong times.)

Afterwards, some of the performers flowed out of the park, carrying guitars and amps to their cars, just glowing, looking ecstatic.

I'd like to hear how anyone who performed felt about it.