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buy my EGC

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:05 pm
by that damned fly_Archive
scott wrote:Yeah, you used to have two, didn't you? Why you gotta be all doin' weird stuff with your bass?


Or, sell it.

yeah, did. had an EGC pickup installed because those big awesome lookin' humbuckers sucked the fuckin' dong. terrible pickups, those rio grande's.

i'm selling it. after spending a year with this bass (technically 9months) i've come to the conclusion that it isn't for me. it's for someone else. for $1400+shipping.

Enormous wrote:Someone needs to buy both basses so I don't feel like an asshole.

don't worry about it.

buy my EGC

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:14 pm
by mkoren_Archive
that damned fly wrote:selling to afford rickenbacker 4003.

Keep the EGC.
Get a Univox copy of a Rick for $600.
I'm not fucking around when I say this.

buy my EGC

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:18 pm
by mkoren_Archive
johnnyshape wrote:
Ryan Owens wrote:Sounds bigger and better. Still definitely a Rick bass, but with more weight and character.

How's that ? I've only tried newer 4003's. They sounded a little generic to me.

buy my EGC

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:25 pm
by Ryan Owens_Archive
johnnyshape wrote:
Ryan Owens wrote:So why the 4003 over the 4001?

Sounds bigger and better. Still definitely a Rick bass, but with more weight and character.

Same answer to the question "why get a G&L when you can still buy a Fender?" Because because of design improvements by the man who actually designed it in the first place, a G&L is a fundamentally physically better instrument.

[opens can of worms]

I don't know which Rickenbacker basses you've played but I have a 4001 & a 4003 and I would rate the 4001 as being the "heavy" bass of the two.

scott wrote:Because of that, I doubt I'll ever own one since I got no reason to shell out the high $ that Rics seem to command.

If I were to be buying basses again I would likely not end up with any Rickenbackers. I picked mine up in 1999-2000 on the cheap. The 4001 was marked $750 used and I got $150 knocked off because it had been sitting in the store for months. My 4003 I purchased new right before the turnaround time went to years and the prices went crazy. I rate the 4003 as a better purchase than a better used automobile.

buy my EGC

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:37 pm
by that damned fly_Archive
will take trades+cash.

buy my EGC

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:00 am
by TheMilford_Archive
eliya wrote:I always find ricks too thin, they never had enough lows.

What? Really?

BadComrade wrote:There's a capacitor in a Ric that you can remove to give it a shit ton of low end.

But then you just have a silly looking P Bass.

This is only tue of the older 4001s NOT the 4003. And there is a neck pickup on the Rick that is far bassier that any Fender could ever try to be.

buy my EGC

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:04 am
by TheMilford_Archive
that damned fly wrote:gallo's only buying beans and velenos i think.

if i get a ric, i'm surely going to remove the bridge mute, and pickup cover.

No need to remove the bridge mute... you just lower it into the standard OFF position and leave it off... it will never bother you.

Try it with the pickup cover for a while... it's kinda nice to be able to rest your hand on it. I used mine for 15 years with it off and I just put it back on about 2 years ago and I think I like it. I play with both pick and fingers about the same amount.

buy my EGC

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:07 am
by that damned fly_Archive
TheMilford wrote:
that damned fly wrote:gallo's only buying beans and velenos i think.

if i get a ric, i'm surely going to remove the bridge mute, and pickup cover.

No need to remove the bridge mute... you just lower it into the standard OFF position and leave it off... it will never bother you.

Try it with the pickup cover for a while... it's kinda nice to be able to rest your hand on it. I used mine for 15 years with it off and I just put it back on about 2 years ago and I think I like it. I play with both pick and fingers about the same amount.

first i gotta ditch this EGC before i can worry 'bout any o' that.

buy my EGC

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:09 am
by TheMilford_Archive
Scott, Ricks are wired IN-phase.

buy my EGC

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:02 am
by scott_Archive
two pickups out of phase, to my ears, can make a normal bass sound more like a Ric. and a normal guitar sound more like an aluminum-necked guitar. IIRC, the setting on the Ripper that sounded like a Ric was the one with the pickups out of phase as well.

and the key here is to have separate volume controls so you can blend em right. if they're out of phase and at the same level, it's gonna sound too thin and not so great. but if one is slightly than the other, there ya go. Ric-like sound.

it's easy enough to try out. unsolder and flip the two leads from one pickup. done. if the ground wire is connected to the pickup casing/cover, that can be crummy when you flip the leads cause then when you touch it, you're touching signal hot which makes heinous noise.