Where the fuck is Zom-Zom?

charliedon'tsurf wrote:
Mark Hansen wrote:
syntaxfree07 wrote:Good riddance.

I'd rather you fuck off, and Zom-Zom come back.

Seconded, I would rather have Zom Zom than the A-hole who threatened to fracture someones skull cause they got called a baby on the internet. I say that despite the fact Zom Zom liked that horrible, horrible band Kiss and thought cake was better than pie.

Completely unprovoked, he made a post ONLY to insult me.

My reaction seems reasonable to me.

"Why are you getting so mad? It is just the internet."
The internet should at least mimic real-life. If someone I didn't know entered into a conversation that I was having in person just to make a snide insult, I would beat the fuck out of them. I was frustrated because he had the safety net that is the internet protecting him.

It is a two-way street.

Where the fuck is Zom-Zom?

syntaxfree07 wrote:If someone I didn't know entered into a conversation that I was having in person just to make a snide insult, I would beat the fuck out of them. I was frustrated because he had the safety net that is the internet protecting him.

Bro, I know you're only 18 or so, but you should realize how stupid this statement makes you sound. Really. Really.

Where the fuck is Zom-Zom?

Boombats wrote:
syntaxfree07 wrote:If someone I didn't know entered into a conversation that I was having in person just to make a snide insult, I would beat the fuck out of them. I was frustrated because he had the safety net that is the internet protecting him.

Bro, I know you're only 18 or so, but you should realize how stupid this statement makes you sound. Really. Really.

Fuck accountability, I know.

You should probably see the thread.

"Stupid little fucking baby" or something like that. Someone that I have never spoken to on the internet or in person.

All that being said; We talked about it in PMs afterwards and made nice. So I don't hold that against him, and I hope he doesn't have a problem with me.

Where the fuck is Zom-Zom?

I miss zom-zom. I really enjoyed his technical insights, his time-tested and well-proven good taste in gear, his snarky wit, and most of all the fact that he was fucking confident as hell but rightfully so. I really enjoyed getting into silly bickering with him sometimes, and always did so with much respect, though that may or may not have been very evident. I like zom-zom. If there were 1,000 people on this forum, and I had the ability to choose for any single person to never come back, there'd probably be about 987 people ahead of him on the list. If I ever met him in real life, I imagine that would be more like 993
"The bastards have landed"

www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album

Where the fuck is Zom-Zom?

syntaxfree07 wrote:
Boombats wrote:
syntaxfree07 wrote:If someone I didn't know entered into a conversation that I was having in person just to make a snide insult, I would beat the fuck out of them. I was frustrated because he had the safety net that is the internet protecting him.

Bro, I know you're only 18 or so, but you should realize how stupid this statement makes you sound. Really. Really.

Fuck accountability, I know.

You should probably see the thread.

"Stupid little fucking baby" or something like that. Someone that I have never spoken to on the internet or in person.

I've seen the thread.

I maintain my standpoint. Beating the fuck out of someone for making a snide insult is the flip side of cowardice. Your frustration at not being able to reach through the monitor and pummel some old guy is embarrassing at best. It makes you sound like a stupid little fucking baby. All you've done in response is confirm that epithet to those who want to think badly of you. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're above this nonsense, but I'm generous, especially since you've made similar threatening comments to me (see the Neurosis NYC thread). So, if you care what people here think of you then cut the crap.

Anyway zom-zom sure acted like an elitist tool-bag sometimes, but there are enough cool people here who hold him in high regard so I'm sure he's decent. He definitely has tons of insight and experience that I, as well as everyone else, have benefited from.
Last edited by Boombats_Archive on Wed Apr 02, 2008 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Where the fuck is Zom-Zom?

Marsupialized wrote:People come and go, whatever. Not everyone is in it for the long haul. People lose the will to continue on what they've started. They are broken by life and circumstance. They give up and find a hole to crawl into. A story as old as time itself. These actions should come as no surprise.
It's a big world, plenty of places for someone to hide themselves away if they are so inclined. Sometimes it's all just too much for some people. Too much work, they want an easier path. That's all fine and good, I wish them much success in whatever meaningless podunk town they slither into next.

As for the rest of us, I have a few words of suggestion. Look to the future, don't pine for the past.

We cannot waste any time or energy on those who couldn't hack it. It was their destiny to fail. Try all you like, you cannot argue with destiny. If it were not for failures such as the ones you are all sitting around mourning how would we all know who the true winners were in life? I say instead of mourning them we celebrate the loss as if an anchor has been cut from our ship, allowing us to finally begin our true journey. We've lost nothing but dead weight, boys. We are finally running fast and lean. The fat has been cut from the steak. Time to dig in.

Now get back to fucking work!

nicely said, but i think we need to keep cutting.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

Where the fuck is Zom-Zom?

syntaxfree07 wrote:All that being said; We talked about it in PMs afterwards and made nice. So I don't hold that against him, and I hope he doesn't have a problem with me.

To be fair, if the above is true he didn't deserve the 'good riddance' comment. That's not exactly forgive and forget is it?

I was with you up until that point. I would like people to act here as they do in real life.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

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