When Are The Atheists Going To Find A God To Pick On?

Rick Reuben wrote:
honeyisfunny wrote:You are completely and utterly insane. Where the hell do I say distributing information on the internet is useless in that quote?
Liar. If you recognized the value of putting information on the internet, you wouldn't ask dumb questions like this:
honeyisfunny wrote:What the hell do YOU DO?
I'm already using the medium that allows me to speak to more people than any other. Like I said: I defy you to name a platform for political activism that surpasses the internet. If you can't, then shut up.

Ok, I'm going to spell this out to you:


I.e. What's your job? How does it fit with your world view? Do you post anywhere else on the internet? If you do, do you find the other forums you use to be receptive? Do you ever protest things in person? Have you ever contacted a politician directly to protest something? Have you ever been arrested?

Or do you just sit in the dark on the internet looking like this:


I'm not arguing that the internet has it's uses. I'm arguing that standing up on a chair and screaming the equivalent of


on one single internet forum that is largely devoted to music is relatively pointless, especially when you alienate anyone who may agree with you by being exactly the kind of elitist bully you are supposed to be opposed to.

When Are The Atheists Going To Find A God To Pick On?

Rick Reuben wrote:
honeyisfunny wrote:You are completely and utterly insane. Where the hell do I say distributing information on the internet is useless in that quote?
Liar. If you recognized the value of putting information on the internet, you wouldn't ask dumb questions like this:
honeyisfunny wrote:What the hell do YOU DO?
I'm already using the medium that allows me to speak to more people than any other. Like I said: I defy you to name a platform for political activism that surpasses the internet. If you can't, then shut up.

I surmise it was initially your love of angular guitar riffs and room mic'ing techniques which impelled you to select the EA board as your venue to enlighten the people, correct?

When Are The Atheists Going To Find A God To Pick On?

Rick Reuben wrote:
honeyisfunny wrote:one single internet forum
Wow. You really have no clue about how search engines work??

It doesn't matter what this forum is allegedly supposed to be about- the forum is just territory. It could be a blank wall for all I care. And now my posts are all over it, like moss. Like I said, if the brainwashed conformists weren't worried about my truths exposing their lies to a wider audience, they would not react in such a panicked manner to what I post.

Have you studied SEO? Do you purposely sprinkle your posts with keywords that will fully optimize Search Engine usability?

I'm actually curious--i have to learn some SEO for my job right now to make our website more visible to Search Engines--notably to people searching for our competitors.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

When Are The Atheists Going To Find A God To Pick On?

Rick Reuben wrote:
It doesn't matter what this forum is allegedly supposed to be about- the forum is just territory. It could be a blank wall for all I care. And now my posts are all over it, like moss. Like I said, if the brainwashed conformists weren't worried about my truths exposing their lies to a wider audience, they would not react in such a panicked manner to what I post.

So if this here forum is just a 'blank wall' for search engines, why don't you just post up tranches of your 'truth' for people to read, not engage in dialogue with anybody, and spare us all this sixth-form Bond-villain crap?
Last edited by johnnyshape_Archive on Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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