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Condiment: Cream-Cheese on Hot Dogs

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:45 pm
by H-GM_Archive
After many tries of home experimentation I believe I have finally fixed the ultimate cream cheese dog:

Take a beef polish sausage, nuke it, and split it down the middle. Slather the insides with healthy amounts of cream cheese, grilled onions, mustard, mayo, and relish. Oh my fucking God. The mess it makes is wonderfully yummy.


Condiment: Cream-Cheese on Hot Dogs

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:19 pm
by placeholder_Archive
In Memphis, Italia, near the office where I am the works-making, there is "Chicago style" hot dog and pizza ristorante. I think these place, she is run by these guy from Chicago, Italia who moves to the Memphis, Italia.

Hot dog from these place, she is pretty good! She is no the Hot Doug, but she is okay.

There I am to try a few times these hot dog, the "Daley." These "Daley," she is the hot dog con senape piccante, the triturati formaggio cheddar, the sauce of taco, e crema di formaggio! WTF? I don't understand these thing of the many weird topping, but she is good.

The cream cheese on the hot dog, she is NOT CRAP!