djimbe wrote: If you ever need to catch a bat that's in your house try this:
get a bath towel. Now, hold your elbows down to your sides, and bring your hands up by your shoulders. Drape the towel the long way across your hands. The bat will fly towards you then veer off. He is NOT going to fly into you! They are FAR superior at avoidence than you think. Let the bat fly towards you, but before it veers, toss the towel and bring your hands together in one motion. The towel kinda folds itself around the bat and drops to the ground. Gather it up and shake it out outside. No bat in house. No dead bat. No bitten human. Nice work...
I could have used this trick a few weeks ago at the cabin. Had a bat fly in the door when I took the dogs out in the middle of the night. Didn't notice it at first, but when I got back in bed my girlfriend noticed something swooping around the room. Managed, after a few minutes, to get it to swoop on the back porch, and shut the door behind it. Then went around the outside of the cabin, and opened the outside porch door, and it flew out after a minute or so.