Woman Tells Teens To Stop Smoking, Is Thrown Onto 3rd Rail

Marsupialized wrote:If she would have minded her own business, and not taken it upon herself to be the smoke police she wouldn't have gotten thrown on the tracks.
I imagine she she had a serious attitude coming at these dudes if they threw her on the tracks like that.

That's still pretty cold of them, dude. No amount of words warrant serious bodily harm over something as miniscule as smoking. She flicked them in the forehead and they gave her a piledriver. Doesn't seem fair.
Mike McGovern

Woman Tells Teens To Stop Smoking, Is Thrown Onto 3rd Rail

Heeby Jeeby wrote:A chav is a chav is a chav. Doesn't denote race, religion or nationality. Traditionally signifies a young person. The word has gypsy origins I believe. It is used by those in higher social classes (the elites) to look down on those in lower economic brackets. Tut tut Ricky.

It comes from the gypsy word for "boy". It means someone young and on welfare, usually second or third generation immigrant.

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