Best turntable for $500?

anarchyinthebronx wrote:I'm thinking of getting this one. ... .m20.l1116 What does everyone think?Yeah! The arm on the Rega 3 is very good. Better than the arm on the 2. Just make sure the guy packs it right - take the inner platter out of the bearing sleeve, cover the bearing sleeve so oil doesn't get out. Don't lose the ball. Also, I know may here love grado cartridges -and for the money they are nice and smooth sounding, but when that thing wears out, get a nicer MM cartridge, and that whole set up will really sing.Do it, do it.

Best turntable for $500?

anarchyinthebronx wrote:I'm thinking of getting this one. ... .m20.l1116 What does everyone think?If you don't mind having a purple turntable, that's a great price. The motor in the P-3 is the same as in the p9 and p7 ($$$). Good value, you could always upgrade the cartridge later.

Best turntable for $500?

Pardon a relative noob butting in here, but I've been doing some listening around for a good turntable myself, and the Goldring GR1.2 sounds brilliant for the price to my ear. It's in essence a Rega clone, or a rebranded Rega, from what I understand, but it already comes with a decent enough MM cartridge and lends itself to aftermarket mods very readily.You should be able to pick one up for around $300US, if you want you could probably flick the cartridge for $50-100 leaving you another 250-300 for other improvements.FWIW.

Best turntable for $500?

enframed wrote:the$inmusicisallmine wrote:Also, I know may here love grado cartridges -and for the money they are nice and smooth sounding, but when that thing wears out, get a nicer MM cartridge, and that whole set up will really sing.Do it, do it.i'd suggest a high output moving coil.I'm not a fan of Grado cartridges at all. A friend of mine with a similar turntable spent a good amount of money on a Grado cartridge, and the same record sounded much better on my table with a less-expensive Ortofon cartridge. Maybe at the higher end there are noticeable differences, but at least in my price range I prefer Ortofon.

Best turntable for $500?

slowriot wrote:enframed wrote:the$inmusicisallmine wrote:Also, I know may here love grado cartridges -and for the money they are nice and smooth sounding, but when that thing wears out, get a nicer MM cartridge, and that whole set up will really sing.Do it, do it.i'd suggest a high output moving coil.I'm not a fan of Grado cartridges at all. A friend of mine with a similar turntable spent a good amount of money on a Grado cartridge, i don't know about the high end (reference series type stuff) grados but the lower end (<$300) tend to be bass heavy. you may be able to alleviate that with a VTA adjustment but i've never tried.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

Best turntable for $500?

enframed wrote:slowriot wrote:enframed wrote:the$inmusicisallmine wrote:Lots of stuff about the shortcomings of GradosGrado seems to have really made their reputation on cartridges for $40-60, which are admittedly decent, and their high end wood body stuff. In the $100-$200 range there is a variety of better quality options than Grado's offerings. I use a Shure M97xe right now, and while not the most involving cart, it's honest and most importantly, tracks poorly pressed and worn records like an absolute champ for the $$$ - and this is really important if you listen to a lot of rock vinyl.
DrAwkward wrote:If SKID ROW likes them enough to take them on tour, they must have something going on, right?

Best turntable for $500?

Anyone know anything about the Sansui XP-99? Decent?Someone gave me one, essentially new in the box, about 10 years ago. There is a mechanical issue with it, but it's been so long since the gift, that I don't recall exactly what it is. I do know that it's labeled as requiring 220V, yet doesn't have a British- or Euro-style plug end, but that's besides the point.Think it's worth spending some money on to repair?

Best turntable for $500?

hm.. kinda surprised by all the 1200 hate goin' on. yeah, they're dj tables.. but i'd probably take one over a verdier... and you CAN opt out on the 'puerto rican' if you want. if all the speed crap pisses you off-- look into an sp10 and a plinth.. talk about's kinda hilarious to be splitting hairs sub $500 for a 'table too.. in my experience, tables that cheap seldom sound super bomber anyhow, and to my ears, the mdf regas sound.. well.. kinda dead.. as do a LOT of belt drivers.. direct drive may be kinda a 'service' technology.. but cripes.. it's $500, not $3k... and even still, the 1200's got some real drive to it. i swapped out a sota sapphire for a rek-o-cut idler i bought for $40, refurbed it, built a plinth out of layered plywood, and called my days with belt drives over. you could always look into something like a lenco l75- it's not perfect, but its gonna have some boogie to it that a cheapy belt drive probably won't. sure, it'll be sorta wonky and 70's stylee... but shit... unless you're listening to girls with guitars... i dunno.. it's kinda nice to have a little grab goin on...

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