Are Cubs fans racist? Cubs fans?

If you sit in the nice seats at Wrigley people are polite and knowledgeable just like at any other ball park. I know because I've been falling ass backwards into front row seats since the begining of the season, including a pair at Miller park. Great place you have there DJ. No sarcasim, just gloating.This whole Wrigley Field fan argument thing is so pointless. Go into the cheap seats at any ball park and you are going to get a high concentration of ignorance. The Cubs have their drunk frat boys and chicks in tight pink shirts. The Sox have blue collar guys brawling or looking for a fight. The woman their where black and love to show as much cleavage as possible. I'm only using the Chicago Sports teams because they are the only ones that I know well. What I'm trying to say is that this behavior is going on at every ball park across the country. This is not a unique thing for the Cubs. Those of you that hate the Cubs this much really have issues. When the Sox do well I cheer for them. Everytime the Sox play the Yankees, I join in with my friends who like the Sox and watch the game. It's fun! Hey we're all from Chicago and fuck New York. Fuck the Yankees, hooray! Goodtimes! I have never seen that from a Sox fan. Just a deep hatred for Wrigley and the same old generalizations year after year. It's pretty pathetic.Jeremy B:You started this thread, so you don't want to let it go. However, you're just wrong dude. Flat up wrong.

Are Cubs fans racist? Cubs fans?

doctor\_chumley wrote:The only thing that bites me about sox fans is when the cubs are brought up in a bad light when there is no reason to talk about them. As in, enjoy your own team & game instead of talking about how cubs fans suck, are fags, don't know anything about the game,etc. Enjoy your team. Your (as in everyone's) team's fan base of meatheads, are in fact, meatheads. The honor I am about to bestow on this post is usually saved for humorous posts. Doctor Chumley, this excerpt of your post is moving to the Hall of Fame.

Are Cubs fans racist? Cubs fans?

Dear Jeremy, You are quoting the same posts I am, just picking different parts. So you admit not that Cubs fans are not racist? Yes, unfortunately some people in this world are racist, but not Cubs fans as a whole. I agree with that. This whole topic is moot and has been from the get go. I'm telling you for an added measure that I've never even heard a racist comment in my times at Wrigley. Dr. Chumley has had the same experience. You have drawn out a very mediocre thread based on a story that was written because it's been a slow new week for sports writers. Typically, it brought out all the Cubs haters. Now, I have a weekend to attend....John George Peppers Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:I mean, I'm probably not going to kill any Cubs fans.Pistols at dawn it is then BRW!

Are Cubs fans racist? Cubs fans?

warmowski wrote:Are Cubs fans racist? No.But, as opposed to Sox fans, Cubs fans are far more likely to be suburban, and north suburban at that, which means Cubs fans are far more likely to not live anywhere near nonwhite people, which means a Cubs fan is far more likely than a Sox fan to act like a racist/classist douche on his trip to the distant, alien city.That's just the way it is. Doesn't mean "Cubs fans are racists", but it does mean a random Cubs fan is more likely to like stuff like this:Funny brown people and their lawn mowers!-rFYI: The same shirt can be found at Comisky with some cubs player mowing the lawn. I forget who.

Are Cubs fans racist? Cubs fans?

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:John George Peppers wrote:Pistols at dawn it is then BRW!You should save the bullet for yourself. I just heard Pat Hughes say this thing:"Kevin Gregg is ready in the bullpen."Man, I'm so over it. I saw the worst game ever this week.....and I'm a life long Cubs fan. This season has descended so rapidly for us! Any chance we could push though all the injuries has long since flown away in the breeze.

Are Cubs fans racist? Cubs fans?

No.Milton Bradley hasn't done shit this year, so the fans boo. He has one of the highest salaries with the Cubs organization and he has not produced the numbers that the club is paying for him to produce. On top of which, he has made racist comments in the past. If anyone is racist it's him! Bottom line:He has had a terrible season and the fans are not happy with him. Rather than man up and admit he has not produced this year, he is calling cubs fans racist. Thread Closed.

Are Cubs fans racist? Cubs fans?

(God damit! I edited my original post, rather than add a new one....Here is my responce and I'll patch up the one above as it was before....)What happened? Does the artical explain an incident or give any details whatsoever? No, just that fans might shout racist things. Never heard a one. I've been there once a week all summer. I will say that, because he has played so poorly a wash of disapproval in the form of booing takes place anytime he is at bat. Also, never even heard anyone say anything racist at a bar after the game. The one thing that I did heard about Milton Bradley was at the beggining of the season. I asked my baseball fanatic friend what to expect from Milton Bradley and he said this: "Bradley is a power hitter. When he is on, he is on, but he goes through slumps. He has a real passion for the game and is super intense, but goes through really bad slumps. Oh, also he is a racist." I had that conversation in March of this year and now this news is coming out. It doesn't suprise me one bit. I'm just shocked at how many people actually believe his claim. When you look at the people who do believe Bradley, it's the same baseball fans who just hate the Cubs in gereral and now they have something to run with. This story about racism is false (period)

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