Smiths, The

Total votes: 52 (31%)
Total votes: 118 (69%)
Total votes: 170

Band: Smiths, The

Not Crap get the comp The Singles with the girl in the bed on the cover.

Although much like Belle & Sebastian alot of what they got is on singles that aren't on albums! WHA! Bands recording things not on albums! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE!?!?

What is wrong with xylophones? Does anyone care about arrangement anymore! Cripes!

Band: Smiths, The

It seems that the Smiths were a global eighties phenomenon. Some may even see it as a plague that took over quite a lot of tender adolescent souls. I wasn't so impressed at the time, or slightly later, but my friends were. We used to spend summer holidays doing things together. When we were in the good mood, we would, I mean they would, goof around and sing along. The Smiths songs were regulars on the repertoire. Being completely out of tune I would just enjoy the moment. And I couldn't stand that Morrissey guy and the Smiths and his whining about thing called love plus all additional crap. As time went by I became mellower and more receptive and started to listen to the Smiths records. Today I enjoy complete discography to some degree. It really is fine enough although it's not in high rotation and probably never will be. Every time I put the first record on and it gets to the third song I just don't know whether I would laugh or cry from embarrassment. Simultaneously I start to plead in my mind like – please Stephen Patrick, oh stop it for Christ's sake, you don't have to go that far, the world is listening Stephen, don't camp it up so much 'cause there's no need for it... Magick doesn't work so I have to wait till that bicycle on the hill desolate.
I haven't checked Morrissey solo work except Viva Hate! I must admit that when ever I hear "Everyday is like Sunday" on the radio I feel like slapped in the face right on the spot. I feel like a cheap asshole. And I did like song about Hector recently.

The Smiths are not crap.
Last edited by Domagoj_Archive on Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Band: Smiths, The

Angriest_Dragon wrote:
Rotten Tanx wrote:I only own "Singles". I'm listening to it right now. It's unlike anything else I own.

Not Crap, though I've never really felt I needed more than this one album.

Louder Than Bombs is the only Smiths record that you need. The song "Asleep" is worth buying the record.

I disagree, Strangeways, Here We Come is a must have too.

Not Crap, at all. I was listening to them in my car on the way to work this morning, actually (Louder Than Bombs)

Band: Smiths, The

The bass line from "barbarism begins at home" is one of the most funky white boy bass lines i have ever heard. It puts every fruity wanna be disco-new-wave douche retro dink to shame.
The smiths are very not crap.
Also, DRagon you are correct, "Asleep" off of Louder Than Bombs is one of Mister Morrissey' better lyrics and songs for that matter.
ChoCko is back in town!

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