If by "girlfriend" I can include friend-in-9th-grade-who-invited-me-to-her-birthday-party, then fine.

You can not disappoint this sort of girlfriend in this sort of raggedy adolescent 9th grade hell, so maybe it counts.

If so, I have all y'all soooo beat. SO BEAT.

For her birthday party was not at her house. Ohhh no. No, her birthday wish was to take five of her friends to a concert. The concert was a surprise.


And that concert was MC Hammer.

And the MC Hammer concert's opener was Vanilla Ice.

And the opener Vanilla Ice humped the stage.

Take that.


Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:Blink-182 is not a good band. They are CRAP. I don't think that either guitarist can play his instrument. And a lot of the songs are dumb and puerile, and about as silly as rock gets.


What's wrong with that?


I see nothing to be embarrassed about by attending this show. Actually, it sounds like fun. Hell, I'd go.


I'll tell you WTF...this post supports my ongoing belief that, generally speaking, most people that buy "rock music" are a bunch of dumbasses. There's a very small amount of people in the "rock-buying community" that are interested in bands that are doing something besides cranking...

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:out catchy tenth generation fake-punk songs that teenagers happen to like

You were 100% correct...that stuff is a bunch of crap. I could not believe how horrible that was. It was even worse than I would have imagined.

They utilize the exact same song techniques as any other pop band of the past. They would never do something unique, inventive, or creative. Never. They don't understand it. Why? Because they're too concerned about what's going to sell. They are a POP BAND. Popular. They play POP MUSIC in 4/4 tempo with horrible drumming and standard rock guitar playing. No ideas, no concept of anything musical at all.

That's WTF.

alexdamon wrote:i was suckered into seeing "new found glory" and "saves the day"

Alexdamon...you win. Christ.


Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:I would be more than willing to have sex to a King Diamond soundtrack, provided it was with someone physically appealing and of the female persuasion. That would indeed be a mercyful fate...

Salut, Mr. Brett Eugene Ralph! Well played. I am very tempted to make this my signature thing...
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight Catholicism....no nuttiness or mystical crap here.


SacredAndProfane wrote:I'll tell you WTF...this post supports my ongoing belief that, generally speaking, most people that buy "rock music" are a bunch of dumbasses. There's a very small amount of people in the "rock-buying community" that are interested in bands that are doing something besides cranking...

Hmmm. I think you're making some big assumptions here!

Anyway, I'm not saying that Blink-182 is a great band. Hey, I called them CRAP. But I think that I could have fun at one of their dumb shows. What the hell? I can name a thousand bands that I'd rather see, but I'm not so dogmatic that I couldn't go to the show and try and take it for what it's worth.

Plus, they seem like nice enough guys? Maybe? I don't know? Being nice is something that matters?

And their drummer is, in fact, really good.

And they at least tried to do something different on their last record. It's not particularly good, but at least they tried.

It's faint praise, and they're not a good band, but I'll give them whatever slight due that they deserve, which isn't much. But I'm still pretty sure that I could have fun at one of their dumb shows, and I wouldn't be embarrassed for doing so. I mean, I think a person can go to the Art Institute and Great America and take away something from each place, however inconsequential that thing might be. Again, wtf?

Or maybe the show would be terrible and I would scream at them things like, "You are a bad band!" Ha ha! That would show them!

So here's the bottom line, SacredAndProfane.

I love music that cranks.
I love music that takes me away.
I love music that colors my perception.
I love music that challenges my preconceptions.
I love music that physically affects me with its power.

Blink-182's music does none of these things. But you know what? Sometimes I don't mind a little stupid energetic CRAP. In my book, that's okay.

Am I really arguing in defense of Blink-182? I guess that I am! Mark the day! The thing is that I just can't see getting that bent out of shape over them. They're not really part of my world, so maybe it's easy for me to treat them as an abstraction. I certainly don't see them as the enemy.

DKM supreme.

By the way, did someone really just call me a dumbass? I don't think that's ever happened before! I don't think that I'm a dumbass, but I'll let other folks be the judge of that.

A dumbass!
Last edited by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive on Fri Feb 04, 2005 6:45 pm, edited 14 times in total.


During high school an ex dragged me to so many pop punk shows and I thought they all sucked. All that mid 90s Lookout Records stuff.

During that time (and even today) I was a huge fan of ALL and some Descendents. I thought all the bands were awful Ramones rip offs, which they were, and I didn't like the Ramones to begin with.

The rest I just thought were a poor mans ALL, without the musicianship or songwriting talents of Bill Stevenson, Karl Alvarez, and Stephan Egerton.

God, I must have seen every awful band on Lookout in the mid 90s.

I did find one jem in all of this and that was the Mr. T Experience. Call them crap if you want, but I still think Dr. Frank is a genius.

When friends come over and check out my record collection, they're often surprised and puzzled to see a bunch of Mr. T Experience LPs in between Movieton and the Nation of Ulysses.

Since then I've been pretty cool show wise with the lady friends.
Gatehouse Anchor

Live From the Fallout Shelter


The girl I dated just a few years ago had me completely enchanted- her taste in music actually ran mostly parellel to mine, so there were not too many discrepancies, but the ones that existed were drastic and nearly painful. After dating her for a few months I found myself not only listening to, but enjoying, not only Phish but also contemporary, clear-channel sponsored, country radio. I actually found deep meaning in the lyrics to songs like "Good Morning Beautiful" and "I'm Gonna Miss Her" (which began with the killer couplet "well I love her, but I love to fish.")

Thankfully (and you could not have told me at the time that I would have used this word, but hindsight is wonderful, no?) she moved to the midwest and left me for her boss. My current girlfriend does not listen to much music at all, but when she does it tends toward mid-90s "gangsta" rap. We both basically leave one another alone, musically.
Last edited by ironyengine_Archive on Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.


in highschool, a girlfriend "talked me into" seeing the soupdragons...i still wonder what a soup dragon is. i actually bought a friend a ticket and made him go as well. a couple of weeks later, it was house of pain. yes, "jump around". what can i say? she was pretty hot. about a month or two later i tried to get her to go see the jesus lizard and dazzling killmen with me, she wasn't feeling well. it ended soon after.

i was "taken" to a digable planets show once as well.

most recently, bright eyes.

the "best"would have to be the mother of a long-term girlfriend "suprising" us with tickets to see "comedian" paula poundstone, LIVE IN CONCERT!!!
i can't remember a more uncomfortable or painful experience in my entire life.
Sadly, it was the same room I had seen SKWM in about a year earlier on the University of Missouri Columbia campus.

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