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Fender/Squier Bass VI Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:00 pm
by Tommy_Archive
Major wrote:matthew wrote:I have played the Fender Bass VI. I also own one.Based on your string suggestion, I don't believe you.You're cheating yourself using anything lighter than .95 on a Bass VI.I 100% agree with this statement if you are using standard E-E Bass VI tuning.

Fender/Squier Bass VI Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:00 pm
by Tommy_Archive
Bon Hoga wrote:A .105 is a standard low E string for full scale basses, I don't see how it can possibly be extreme on a short scale instrument.I can. ROOM. The nut width on the MIJ one I have is closer to a Jazz Bass width of 1.5" (it's whatever the metric version is that's just larger). It's all a tradeoff. From a tension standpoint, I'm sure the 105 feels and sounds great. I just can't do it on mine. I'll probably settle somewhere from 95 to 100.

Fender/Squier Bass VI Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 7:00 pm
by max_Archive
I have modded my Squier Bass VI quite a lot.First I shinned the neck and replaced the strings with La Bellas (95-26). Then I replaced the volume and tone pots because the old ones did not work properly. I also added a new cap to the tone pot and put on a new pick guard and the tone and volume knobs from an old telecaster.After I replaced the bridge with a stay trem it is now a pretty nice instrument.I play it a lot and I am almost happy with it. I am not convinced of the pick ups and have considered to put in some Curtis Novaks because his Jazzmaster pick ups sounds really good. They are not cheap though. I was also considering lip sticks.Does anyone have other ideas about pickups that would upgrade the bass without costing an arm and a leg?

Fender/Squier Bass VI Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 7:00 pm
by ogpuprison_Archive
had mine 2 weeks now, ended up buying some Fender 013-065.. ..they fit, which was a gamble. Some of the shit advice you get from guitar shops these days...Anyrate, 13-65 gauge seems fine for my tuning, quite surprised. Mine has a staytrem, which I guess is a good point, not that I have experienced the trem problems associated with the standard one. Stoked to have one decent instrument

Fender/Squier Bass VI Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 7:00 pm
by max_Archive
The Staytrem bridge is much better than the one that comes with the Squier but the new bone nut was a huge improvement compared to the cheap plastic thingy.

Fender/Squier Bass VI Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 6:00 pm
by AUX_Archive
Thanks for posting that! I had no idea there were two VIs in that song. I've always thought that a trio with drums and two Bass Vis - in the right hands - could make for a seriously interesting band. While different.. this helps confirm suspicion.

Fender/Squier Bass VI Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 6:00 pm
by Redline_Archive
The Squire Bass VI looks bad azz. Two six string basses at once. Thanks Glen Campbell and Ray Pohlman.

Fender/Squier Bass VI Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 6:00 pm
by agiant_Archive
Staytrem bridge and pearloid pickguard

Fender/Squier Bass VI Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 6:00 pm
by AUX_Archive
Here's mine (also posted in the show your guitars thread)I originally had a 3TSB one that i'd bought new and did a bunch of mods to, but I'd sold it along in favour of picking up my '69 Super Reverb. I always missed having the VI around, so when this one came up in Montreal, I jumped on it. All of the important stuff was done: AVRI '62 Jag pickups, 1" Staytrem bridge, AVRI trem, and flatwounds. The original owner sanded off the Squier logo and clear-coated over a Fender logo. When I got it, I added the parchment guard (the white was blinding), full-sized Jazz bass knobs, 70s style tuners and matched the headstock with a custom Squier logo. Faking it with a Fender logo didn't really work for me. It plays and sounds great; but at some point, I'd like to go a little heavier on the low-E. It's not unbearable, but it's the one thing that could stand a bit of improvement.