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Standing Rock thread

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:00 pm
by Andrew_Archive
Yeah, I get that. I live about 400 miles north of Standing Rock in southern Saskatchewan and I grew up in northern Alberta. It's still a different deal than pre-snow conditions.

Standing Rock thread

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:00 pm
by Andrew_Archive
Ike wrote:Bringing a wood-burning stove there this weekend, along with a lot of other supplies from a local church.Awesome.

Standing Rock thread

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:00 pm
by Andrew_Archive
Ike wrote:Andrew., sorry to presume! Jury and I grew up in ND and get provincial over it and that region. Fucking so deeply, deeply disturbed by all of this on many levels.The northern Great Plains! There's not a lot of us who appreciate the region. This spring and summer I was one of the core organizers of an urban Indigenous occupation camp outside a federal office up here that lasted four months: ... r-80-days/In the early days temperatures were below freezing at night and we went through a lot of stuff including 50 mph wind gusts that blew everything to shit. One of the people I got to know and befriend through that experience was a Lakota guy whose family were among the tribes who crossed the 49th parallel with Sitting Bull after they defeated Custer. You can see him in conversation with me about 20 seconds in to the news video in the link above.His Lakota tribe stayed north of the colonial border when Sitting Bull returned south (where Sitting Bull was killed on Standing Rock reservation). Anyway, the huge support for the resistance at Standing Rock is one of the few things that's felt deeply hopeful in recent months. I salute everyone who's lending a hand in any way, shape, or form.People don't often get a sense that they're participating in history these days, but Standing Rock is one of those things where if you get down with it, you're actually participating in something deeply significant.

Standing Rock thread

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:00 pm
by Andrew_Archive
Winter arrived. Video:

Standing Rock thread

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:00 pm
by blackmarket_Archive
Occupiers have supposedly cost Dakota Access $100 million (USD) plus to date, with impending contract deadlines approaching January 1st. This is some real shit happening. I hope they can hold out past the first of the year, and continue to bleed these fuckers dry. Easy for me to say, I am thousands of miles away and not freezing my ass off. With you in spirit, though Any chance of a government bailout for Dakota Access? It seems as though the stakes are too high for anyone involved to fold up and go home.

Standing Rock thread

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:00 pm
by chris jury_Archive
I grew up on the bluffs across from Canonball, on the other side of the Missouri river. This has been an exceptionally mild winter-but that won't last. This is a tough place. While being very pro-protestor, I have a lot of questions about the claims being made and about the lack of engagement by locals ahead of construction. I am also very ashamed of the consistent stream of lies and brutality from the police and contractors- it reflects badly on an already shameful state that used to be home.

Standing Rock thread

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:00 pm
by chris jury_Archive
nope- this is nothing. Barely below freezing. When the wind chill hits -60, then you'll know winter has arrived.

Standing Rock thread

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:00 pm
by Ike_Archive
Best guess how the Dec. 5th deadline will play out, logistically-speaking? Are we looking at Waco or a wait-it-out an see situation? Like a few of us here, I grew up near that neck of the woods. Two dear friends just returned from the camp, and they were there during the water attacks. Incredibly gnarly situation, to say the least.

Standing Rock thread

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:00 pm
by Ike_Archive
Yeah, don't mean to be a "that's not a knife, THIS is a knife guy," but that's not winter. That's a trifle. Bringing a wood-burning stove there this weekend, along with a lot of other supplies from a local church.

Standing Rock thread

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:00 pm
by Ike_Archive
Andrew., sorry to presume! Jury and I grew up in ND and get provincial over it and that region. Fucking so deeply, deeply disturbed by all of this on many levels.