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Common problems among musicians?

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 7:00 pm
by eliya_Archive
DrAwkward wrote:4. A guide to which clubs you're going to that have bathrooms that are safe to poop in, and which are not. Dead serious.This is a more specific version of the app that got George Costanza rich in the Seinfeld reunion, but yes this is a good idea.

Common problems among musicians?

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 7:00 pm
by hayate_Archive
having a creative space to house your thoughts and instruments has always seemed pretty much impossible in my eyes

Common problems among musicians?

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 7:00 pm
by rephophagist_Archive
eliya wrote:This is a more specific version of the app that got George Costanza rich in the Seinfeld reunion, but yes this is a good idea.Seriously, there are a ton of apps out there for this specific problem, which existed even before said Seinfeld reunion, including one owned / branded by Charmin.

Common problems among musicians?

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 7:00 pm
by numberthirty_Archive
DrAwkward wrote:noise&light wrote:Maybe a touring app that is locally stored on your phone but shared with all bandmates. It would include:1. A section that makes it easy for people to put together easily understood and shared stage plots, with somewhat standard symbols for commonly used items? When I did live sound, the range of quality that I would get was ridiculous for a modest, medium-sized clubs.2. Itinerary with links to each venue and maps. Phone numbers and contact info for each show and details of discussed payment.3. A place to keep a list of all the equipment that you are bringing on tour with you; with pictures or descriptions with serial #s. Just in case something gets stolen.Basically something that allows everyone to have access to critical information. A digital tour manager.4. A guide to which clubs you're going to that have bathrooms that are safe to poop in, and which are not. Dead serious.-\_(album)Trailblazer is named after a brand of camping toilet the band used while on tour. The album's liner notes explain that, after years of dealing with filthy restrooms at clubs and even resorting to urinating and defecating in cups in their tour van, the band was thrilled to come across the Trailblazer, a cheap, collapsible camping toilet with aluminum alloy legs, a reinforced plastic seat, and disposable bags for collection of the waste. However, one day outside a club in Norwalk, Connecticut, the Trailblazer collapsed and broke beneath the weight of the band's 222-pound roadie Mike Moehn. The album is dedicated to the destroyed toilet, with the epitaph "Trailblazer R.I.P." "We have found no substitute," said bassist Karl Alvarez in 1993, "but we must admit we've tried.

Common problems among musicians?

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 7:00 pm
by H-GM_Archive
ldopa\_chicago wrote:See also: drummerswhere is the lie?

Common problems among musicians?

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 7:00 pm
by TomTheBum_Archive
gg allin worked around that ''no place to poop'' predicament. so can we.

Common problems among musicians?

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 7:00 pm
by ard barf_Archive
ldopa\_chicago wrote:Alcoholism and/or drug addictionChoking on vomit has certainly been a problem. Maybe make a medical bracelet that musicians can wear? It might say something like, ATTENTION, UNCONSCIOUS MUSICIAN, VOMIT-SUFFOCATION HAZARD, KEEP UPRIGHT WHILE SCOLDING OR ABANDONING