What Would You Name the Next Mars Rover?
35what s tcby? without looking it up I m guessing it s something spoiled
What Would You Name the Next Mars Rover?
36he said something about a hot dog and they call their own selves fro yo, big deal i never heard of tcby i also never ate at sonic or zaxbys of all the pile ons this one was the most lame
What Would You Name the Next Mars Rover?
37it s clear none of you has actually seen œmars needs moms with your non punk rock way of instructing others on how to channel their posts to be agreeable and synced, boys clubs are too boring to adhere to wasting my own time dragging my own name purposefully through the mud to be rid of one guy, c est la vie
What Would You Name the Next Mars Rover?
38cant tease me for not knowing about frozen yogurt, Ive never eaten off a food truck either except the ice cream man, spoiled shmoes
What Would You Name the Next Mars Rover?
39so what if im acting like a boob, dont be a bigger boob than I am that’s too many boobs you guys
What Would You Name the Next Mars Rover?
40gross. it s like you ve never seen someone wild and out before.i know I post different, it s life crap that makes me try to remember the best times I ve ever had and then I post them with songs here I get excited... and then I leave for a really long time. but I must say how disappointing your predicted behavior lines up... you all are supposed to be smarter and more compassionate than this. jane out.