How crappy is the COVID-19 pandemic?

Total votes: 21 (100%)
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Total votes: 21

Re: Pandemic event: COVID-19

krev, at this point i expect it.
penningtron wrote: Mon Feb 27, 2023 2:03 pm Yeah, I've mostly heard pricks like Bill Maher obsessing over the lab leak theory. Didn't realize it was on the House's itinerary of bullshit: ... 234662219/
apparently jon stewart didn't get the memo either.

that's what i mean when i warn against politicizing this.
lots of westerners openly dismissed the lab leak theory because their political enemies would not.

Re: Pandemic event: COVID-19

36 wrote: Mon Feb 27, 2023 2:21 pm lots of westerners openly dismissed the lab leak theory because their political enemies would not.
Or because there was, and still is, literally no evidence for it. So the Dept of Energy has declared "with low confidence" that it was a lab leak, while the CIA still thinks it wasn't, and there is absolutely no reason to suppose either of them are right or wrong since it's entirely based on supposition. People will have already decided by now that it most definitely was a lab leak, of course.

I'm not quite sure what makes the Dept of Energy experts in this.

Re: Pandemic event: COVID-19

I feel like it forced a lot people to look at themselves in a way they wouldn’t have normally and the way reality and other people feel since is very strange to me and I am having trouble being here and adjusting.

I feel like a lot of people became a little bit more conscious and this has confused me and I no longer know how to be myself or know what my place is.

I feel like this coincided with a major shift in technology/media/culture/art which has further confused me.

Re: Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, Energy Department Now Says

39 wrote: Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:35 am the funniest part about this is watching yesterday's "misinformation" and "conspiracy theories" and "witch hunts" eventually come true.
like maybe everything doesn't have to be political? sometimes the facts look like facts.

It's a low confidence report, and there is reasonable scientific research that points the other way (e.g. evidence that the pandemic emerged twice).

What were these 'conspiracy theories' anyway? That virus collected in the wild escaped the lab? (hardy unprecedented - happened in the UK with foot and mouth) I suppose if they were doing gain-of-function research that would be more of a concern.

Re: Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, Energy Department Now Says

pldms wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 3:56 am wrote: Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:35 am the funniest part about this is watching yesterday's "misinformation" and "conspiracy theories" and "witch hunts" eventually come true.
like maybe everything doesn't have to be political? sometimes the facts look like facts.

It's a low confidence report, and there is reasonable scientific research that points the other way (e.g. evidence that the pandemic emerged twice).

What were these 'conspiracy theories' anyway? That virus collected in the wild escaped the lab? (hardy unprecedented - happened in the UK with foot and mouth) I suppose if they were doing gain-of-function research that would be more of a concern.
i suppose it would be....
and yet the Rolling Stone article (among others) treats any effort to investigate or ask china anything as a "republican concern."
i don't know why rolling stone would frame it that way, unless they had an interest in dismissing the lab leak theory. killing it. nothing else makes sense.

the "conspiracy theories" were any origin other than it came from the wet market and that's why wuhan could not contain it. if you wanted any answers at all, you were conducting a "witch hunt."
it hasn't aged well.

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