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Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 8:52 am
by scrotescape
my flatbed trailer is 8'by'24' and can hold 3.5 tons. if you come up with a turbine that fits within 500 miles I'd haul it

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 10:09 am
by A_Man_Who_Tries
Johnny Doglands wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 7:23 am Bishopdante, Listen.

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:15 am
by Johnny Doglands
If I've written something that's upset someone or pissed them off or whatever, I don't relish it. I'm a compassionate person and it upsets me to think I might have hurt someone's feelings. However...

You Bishopdante, are impossible. You talk a lot, but you don't listen. I write a couple of hundred words, you write a couple of thousand. Yet you still somehow manage to ignore or dismiss 99% of what other people are saying to you.

I still suggest you are confused. There is very little real science in what you write. You confuse small scale DIY projects with the massively expensive operations of big corporations (who are all evil, apart from the one you are talking about at the time). You don't seem to like being called a 'conspiracy theorist', yet you regularly write at length about conspiracy theories. You often confuse 'might be' with 'is' and make the kind of 2+2=5 leaps of logic that anyone who's spent some time on the conspiracy theory side of the internet would be all too familiar with.

You are confused in ways that can't be explained away by the side-effects of an outdated anti-bacterial drug taken twenty years ago. You willfully ignore what other people have to say. You talk about your own areas of expertise, but when other people who are knowledgable about a subject show up to refute something you said.... you act as if they aren't even there.

You also seem to be operating under the delusion that other people apart from yourself don't know how to use the internet to look things up. I used to think you were on a mission to post the entirety of wikipedia into this forum. Try looking up ways to have a proper conversation with people instead of talking AT them.

I am looking forward to hearing about FM gonzochicago's progress in building this compound in Wisconsin. What I am not looking forward to in the slightest is hearing about Robert Maxwell, Bill Gates, MKULTRA, The Bilderburg Group, The Club of Rome, The Reptilian Space Overlords or whatever else... because none of that has even the slightest thing to do with this thread which, may I remind you is about Building the Compound in Wisconsin.

For the sake of this thread, your sanity and mine... I'm blocking you for a bit. Save yourself the bother of writing another two thousand words because I, like most people here, will not be reading them.

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:34 am
by A_Man_Who_Tries
It's like a Quora solipsist has found the wrong URL, and there's a reason sites like that are regarded as a joke.

FMJD has the right idea here.

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:44 am
by A_Man_Who_Tries
bishopdante wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:39 am The internet is setting about providing the evidence for that, without doubt.
Point proved. I'm out.

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 10:19 am
by MoreSpaceEcho
Please stop.

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 2:20 pm
by tallchris
The foe function looks lot smoother in the new version of the form than the old version of the form, FWIW.

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:35 pm
by Geiginni
bishopdante wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 12:56 pm
Off grid is a *really* good idea. Especially these days.
How are you “off grid”, when you are still dependent upon a cartel of gas and petroleum producers that already own a decent chunk of many governments and you’re still not doing a goddamn thing to address your carbon footprint?

Everyone talks a big game about climate change, but the reality is nobody is committed to making the serious fucking individual, personal sacrifices that must be made to get his under control. We don’t have the time to squander hoping a tech solution magically shows up overnight to permit us to be over consuming pigs of energy with no scaling back at all. This is everyone’s goddamn problem to start meaningfully addressing today.

It seems the original crux of this thread was “hey, I’m building a lake cabin in northern Wisconsin, isn’t that cool”, and somehow that changed to some bullshit about mining crypto in a cabin in the fucking middle of nowhere using some gas turbine mini generators with heat and gas recovery.

I know that area was of Wisconsin well. It’s a 450 square foot cabin with a 300 square foot loft and maybe a couple 200 square foot or so outbuildings. This sounds like a place to get away and relax, not some hideout to get rich and wait out the apocalypse simultaneously.

It’s a 200 Amp standard single phase 120/208V service, probably coming from a single phase 1.6 or 3.4 kV primary at the right of way. Wisconsin Public Service Corp. provides reliable, low cost power, much of it produced hydroelectrically on he various flow ages that dot the region.

Generators are unnecessary other than for emergency backup, and then only enough to keep the fridge, furnace and water heater going along with a few lights. 12 kVA is total overkill and expensive.

Most generators up there are set up to run on LP or LNG that provides most heat up there. Nobody wants the environmental responsibility of having a diesel or kerosene tank up there. There also aren’t enough supper clubs to provide waste oil to burn, or paraffin.

Other than Starlink, I’d maybe look into getting a 4g/5g base station and use Verizon or US Cellular for data, then do a distribution of Wi-Fi on prem from that base station. I’d do what Scott recommends and running CAT6 and maybe a few fiber strands from the main to the outbuildings and providing a small local AP in each for Wi-Fi.

You can’t control what the provider brings to the edge of property, but you can control your premises infrastructure and plan for the future therein.

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 1:35 am
by A_Man_Who_Tries
Before you do, could you link to some of your journalism? I'd be intetested to read you on a platform with some brevity or editorial house style. Ta.

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 2:04 am
by twelvepoint
For what it’s worth, I do enjoy FMBD and accept that lengthy tangential posts are part of his charm.