Re: Replacement Expletives

I am fond of "dunce" as a substitute for asshole. It rolls off the tongue with the same effect as a curse. Also "goof" works nicely, considering it's a really terrible thing to call someone in canada for some reason.

"Schnitzel" is a nice all around expletive. Also I really like how the Quebecois say "tebernac" as a swear, so sometimes I like to say "ah, chapel" or "what the church" for schnits and giggles.
f.k.a. jimmy two hands

Re: Replacement Expletives

Ever seen the edited-for-TV version of "Repo Man?"

"Flip you, melon farmer" in multiple variations.
"John Wayne was a freak!" (That whole conversation has all sorts of weird dubbed dialogue.)
I forget exactly what substitutes for "gypsy dildo punks" but it's pretty funny.

Plus a couple of scenes that weren't in the theatrical cut, like one where Bud and Otto destroy a pay phone.

(It's included in the Criterion blu-ray release.)

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