the creme de la creme . . .

Defender (you may also include the sequel Stargate)
Total votes: 7 (16%)
Moon Patrol
Total votes: 1 (2%)
Total votes: 7 (16%)
Total votes: 4 (9%)
Total votes: 5 (12%)
Total votes: 8 (19%)
Spy Hunter
Total votes: 8 (19%)
Total votes: 1 (2%)
Missle Command
Total votes: 2 (5%)
Total votes: 43

best 80 s arcade video game (best video game of all time)

I am too highly suprised by he lack of Robotron votes. That game will fuck you up and make you cross-eyed. Elevator action is an awesome game and I used to play it quite a bit. Shooting the lights out and making it go dark was the bomb along with the cool jump you could do to crush the heads of your opponents. The only reason I do not add it to the list was it was rather easy. It didn't take much practice to get 30 minutes of play out of the game and it was a little slow paced but still an excellent game. Robotron was one game I could never get really good at probably 'cause I'd shoot the family for fun rather than collect points for rescuing them. Elevator action's opening sequence was dope. Elevator action was a "poor day" game for when you had only two bucks. You could play for an hour or two. On days when I got my paycheck for cutting grass at a factory at the then current minimum wage of $3.35 per hour i'd take my $24 dollars and burn it up in Robotron.

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