What a Weekend!

rysie wrote:is it me rachael

Please, Rysie, I'm a smart, smart man, right? Yes. I've read some books - the big ones, you know (none of that populist shit neither). Real books, about REAL shit. HOWEVER, sometimes (and this is very rare), things confuserise me. Your casual dismissal of the rules of grammar and punctuation make me short circuit sometimes. SO, let ME correct your above post for YOU:

rysie wrote:Is it me Rachael?

I sincerely hope the answer to this is yes (because if Kerble's contention is correct, this puts us in Lesville City - the sexiest place in the world).

What a Weekend!


I sincerely hope the answer to this is yes (because if Kerble's contention is correct, this puts us in Lesville City - the sexiest place in the world).

Rimbaud. If i send you what i want to say will you translate it for the children.
peri wrote:The gfirl just emailed me, "I've never had any desire to eat a scotch egg'.

I guess she gonna go hungry tonight

What a Weekend!

bumble wrote:
Is it me, Rachael?

Rimbaud, if I send you what I want to say, will you translate it for the children?


Bumble, I fought the temptation to do this. I am glad you did it.
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight Catholicism....no nuttiness or mystical crap here.

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