Everything I ever learned about Satan, I learned from
32As cheesy as Venom is, I can't help but like it.
Satanism is ridiculous shit. It's Christianity inverted, specifically the church. The dogma is pretty much lifted straight from the occult, and mystics like Aleister Crowley. If it wasn't show flashy, and maybe if it had a more compassionate view towards humans, maybe it would be worth more than the $150 you have to pay to get in. It's for outcasts with a theatrical flare. I guess they like the little red membership card.
Satanism is ridiculous shit. It's Christianity inverted, specifically the church. The dogma is pretty much lifted straight from the occult, and mystics like Aleister Crowley. If it wasn't show flashy, and maybe if it had a more compassionate view towards humans, maybe it would be worth more than the $150 you have to pay to get in. It's for outcasts with a theatrical flare. I guess they like the little red membership card.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.
36I think Satanism as a religion is kinda silly and counterproductive.
Basically, it's just a negative reaction to the whole Christian set of religions. If you don't believe or agree with Christianity, then why bother with Satanism? Why not just disavow Christianity and move on with your life?
It seems to me that most Satanists claim that creed not out of faith, but as a protestation of the status quo or as an attempt to draw attention to themselves by trying to shock the mainstream Christian believers with outrageousness.
Just another religion for the spiritually immature.
Basically, it's just a negative reaction to the whole Christian set of religions. If you don't believe or agree with Christianity, then why bother with Satanism? Why not just disavow Christianity and move on with your life?
It seems to me that most Satanists claim that creed not out of faith, but as a protestation of the status quo or as an attempt to draw attention to themselves by trying to shock the mainstream Christian believers with outrageousness.
Just another religion for the spiritually immature.
Last edited by Colonel Panic_Archive on Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:23 am, edited 2 times in total.
37From what I've heard from informed satanists, it's less a religion and more of a personal philosophy. Like the ten commandments, LaVey's satanic rules are more common sense that people should instinctively have.
As usual, it's the assholes that embrace a "religion" and use it as an excuse for their behavior that causes a negative connotation on that philosophy.
Look at the ten commandments. Thou shalt not kill is number five--except as interpreted by the Spanish Inquisition and the crusades. Where did they go for exception?
As usual, it's the assholes that embrace a "religion" and use it as an excuse for their behavior that causes a negative connotation on that philosophy.
Look at the ten commandments. Thou shalt not kill is number five--except as interpreted by the Spanish Inquisition and the crusades. Where did they go for exception?
39rocker654 wrote:From what I've heard from informed satanists, it's less a religion and more of a personal philosophy. Like the ten commandments, LaVey's satanic rules are more common sense that people should instinctively have.
As usual, it's the assholes that embrace a "religion" and use it as an excuse for their behavior that causes a negative connotation on that philosophy.
But identifying themselves with Satanism is subscribing to a religion. If you hold those beliefs, fine. But why call it "Satanism"? Why not call it "hedonism" or "libertinism" or whatver the fuck you want to call it? Why hail Satan? Why say the Lord's Prayer backwards? Why align yourself with the antithesis of the Christian god, if not to piss off the Christians? It's just a lame, childish plea for attention.
LaVey was a cheap huckster, an ex-carny who saw a way to make a buck off idiots who want desperately to look cool, by creating a silly, trendy fake religion. He's the spiritual equivalent of Hot Topic.
Now the Church of the SubGenius, there's a mock religion I can get behind. If LaVey == Hot Topic, then Reverend Ivan Stang is the spiritual equivalent of ThinkGeek.com. They're both fulla shit, but at least the Subgenii have a sense of humor about it.
rocker654 wrote:Look at the ten commandments. Thou shalt not kill is number five--except as interpreted by the Spanish Inquisition and the crusades. Where did they go for exception?
They were a bunch of hypocritical maniacs. They believed their actions were sanctioned by God, which IMO is definitely the mark of a real kook.
40Colonel Panic wrote:If you hold those beliefs, fine. But why call it "Satanism"?....
LaVey was a cheap huckster, an ex-carny who saw a way to make a buck off idiots who want desperately to look cool, by creating a silly, trendy fake religion. He's the spiritual equivalent of Hot Topic..
I don't disagree. And I certainly would not consider myself a satanist. However, like the Ten Commandments, their dogma appeals to me. It seems like both have common sense in their basis, and have reduced a philosophy to a few easy to read and digest phrases.
rocker654 wrote:Look at the ten commandments. Thou shalt not kill is number five--except as interpreted by the Spanish Inquisition and the crusades. Where did they go for exception?
Colonel Panic wrote:They were a bunch of hypocritical maniacs. They believed their actions were sanctioned by God, which IMO is definitely the mark of a real kook.
More blood has been shed in the name of god than any other reason. If'n I was him/her/it, I'd spend more time smiting those using my name to murder others who don't subscribe to their religious beliefs than forgiving sins of the meek.
I don't know, live and let live sounds good. I don't want to kill those who disagree with me. I'd rather kill those who are throwing rocks at my dog.