echo wrote:Basically the entire province of Ontario has gone smoke free over the past 5 years or so, and in every city, bar owners complained that they'd lose business, and for about a month they were right...then in every city it went back to the initial level, if not higher. cause the fact is, there are more people in the world who don't smoke, so obviously you're now appealing to a much bigger demographic. many of the bars here have built heated patios where people can still smoke and get served and whatnot, and that system seems to be working very well. smokers can still come and drink and whatever, and non-smokers can go out and not get bothered.
people always say stuff like, "we've always been able to smoke at bars, what gives?" and the answer is just because we've always done something, doesn't mean we should neccesarily keep doing it. like, 175 years ago people would have been saying, "come on, we've had slaves for years! the government shouldn't be able to tell us we can't!" let's get out of the stone age and stop wasting time with this argument. probably in our lifetimes, most public places will be smoke free. get used to the idea.
You realize how insane it is to compare owning fucking slaves to smoking a cigarette, right?
Completely insane and offensive to everyone with half a fucking ounce of common sense.
Ok, all you people so ban happy about shit you don't like, let's take it a lil further....
Why not ban loud live rock music? It's loud, it damages the ears of people who work at the place the band is damages the ears of the people going to the show...maybe there's a guy who just wanted to go into the bar and sit in silence, even though he knew damn well there was a loud band playing he still went in.... should the band stop playing because this man does not want his ears damaged? Fuck no you'd all say, he should go somewhere else.... he knew there'd be loud music there... plus we LIKE loud music, so it should stay.... what is the difference?
"Can you belive they used to allow people to hurt their ears like that? Thank god they passed that law outlawing it'
If you don't think it could get to that point eventually if the government is left unchecked and trusted completely to protect us from everything you are nuts.
This is all the work of crybaby assholes who insist on everything being exactally the way they want it at all times. These are the spoiled children who've always gotten their way and aren't about to stop getting it now. It's just not their mommy and daddy they are crying to, it's their elected officials acting as their new, more powerful mommy and daddy. The people who come into the record store and demand the music be turned down because it's too loud or the heat be turned up because it's too cold.
You go ahead and trust the boobs who are our elected officials to make sure life is just peachy and perfect for you...give them free reign to pass whatever dumb fuck crybaby laws they want, see how far they take it...