Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:42 am
Nobody knows *anything*, period.
Yes. Which is why any sensible person would call them self an agnostic (literally - a person who doesn't know something), whether they were atheist, theist, or otherwise.
Cling to your nutty bullshit about 'knowledge' playing a role in these three positions.
How is it nutty bullshit to say that 'knowledge' plays a role in the word that means 'not having knowledge'? Bullshit moon logic.
That's what the word 'agnostic' is. That's what it means. If you're unhappy with this, then invent some new word that refers (and only refers) to your concept of someone who is neither a theist or an atheist. The word you are using doesn't exclusively refer to that, whether you read it upside down, back to front, or on the far side of Jupiter. Agnostic. A-gnostic. Someone without knowledge. Of God, proper lawnmowing techniques, or whatever the fuck else. The word is taken. It has a meaning. It is not for you. Let it go. Find a new mast to lash yourself to.