I've got an 80s korean squier. I was at a guitar shop one day and I saw it for 130 bucks, picked it up and my hands fell in love. I bought it, sold my highway 1 strat and upgraded the pickups.
Apparently, some people think the first korean squiers were made from the leftover parts of the mid 80s japanese squiers. This sounds right, I have the same gotoh tuners and string trees on the headstock as my friend's MIJ fender. The neck is finished and very slim, super high quality, I love it. Some people say their's have plywood bodies, but mine was a couple of pieces of alder.
In any case, if you ever stroll on upon a E10XXXXXX korean strat, pick it up and try it.
Here's almost the exact same one, but red, on ebay:
For comparison, most of the shitty squiers have these tuners and unfinished necks: