jfv wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 8:57 am
losthighway wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 8:07 am
Whoopi Goldberg tried to make some weird point about the Holocaust not being 'about race'. Rightfully got her ass handed to her. Owned it. But is being suspended from her stupid show.
Why do I feel a sense of injustice for Whoopi Goldberg, and a show I'd never ever watch, for an offensive piece of idiotic rhetoric?
She gets paid quite a bit to not say stupid shit on the air. I can't say I disagree with the two week suspension.
Definitely. Don't get me wrong. She'll be fine.
I think- as it often is with this cultural criticism thinking- it's symbolic. I really like the idea of people with big microphones getting publicly corrected for saying dumb stuff. But I also feel like such shared public mistakes are where much of the learning happens. I don't like the idea that as a culture we could reach a point where people are scared to talk about complicated, sensitive shit.
I had to teach a class full of 10 year olds about the violent peak of the conflict between the Utes and the occupying US army. There's a great chance I stepped in it at some point in my phrasing, and supporting the students in discussing their reactions to the documents.
I guess I just feel like we should keep calling out mistakes while acknowledging the probability that we'll all make them.