Little details from your day

i cleaned my bass.

made my practice amp stop buzzing when i play any D.

took several naps. stepped foot outside for about 20seconds. stepped foot back inside.

started posting here again after i said to myself and others i would stop. fuckin' liar.

i found out where the stratocaster got it's name. found out it's younger than the p-bass. found out that it only had a 3way switch until '77.

watched a documentary on les paul.

in case you're not completely satisfied: i hate you.

Little details from your day

Sly Bug wrote:Slowriot, in French we say: "La roue tourne", courage!

Ty Webb wrote:slowriot, life is always about small compensations. They add up. Spin those records and, in the words of the inimitable Withnail, "Keep your bag up!".

Funny story: the dinner i treated myself to after such a lousy day is not sitting right, and will probably end up being regurgitated before the evening is through. i tend to laugh at my misfortune on days such as these. thanks for the advice.

By the way, watched "Old Boy" tonight. How disturbing!

Little details from your day

I live on a pond in the Adirondacks and walk Luna around at least twice a day. Last night, after the weather finally broke and the light had this amazing yellow tone to it, I decided we should go for a 3rd time, now that we could enjoy it without sweating our asses off.
A quarter way around, I watched the baby beaver swimming, which made me very happy and also sad, as I haven't seen the adult beaver in weeks and knowing of the trapping contingent that also lives on the pond, assumed they had trapped yet another one (not for the fur, just to get rid of it). The baby beaver is very cute and his tiny beaver tail when he goes for a dive is adorable. We watched him for a few minutes and continued on our way.
Three quarters around and I saw this big beaver head and wake behind. Hooray! They have not gotten you, the baby is not an orphan. We stood and watched big bad beaver swim a few circles near his/her "Old County Buffet" I was hoping to observe it going about it's business and maybe watch it eat for a bit. Well on beaver's third circle when it turned away from shore, as I was saying to myself "I'm so glad you're here" it gave us a big ole tail slap. Not 10 feet away, so awesome. Here's some beaver facts. They mate for life, are very family oriented (Beaver dads involved in raising kids as much as Beaver moms), are vegetarians and have engineering minds. What's not to love about that?
Don't let the strawberry win.

Little details from your day

I graduated today. It was less boring than I thought it would be, and the canapes at the reception afterwards were excellent. As was the champagne.

It's a complete ripoff though. Graduating, that is. First, I had to pay £49.50 just to go to the ceremony and reception. Then, I had to hire a gown and a hood. £33. Then, I had to pay for photos so that I could send them to relatives. £44. The photographer spent a grand total of 30 seconds taking 3 shots. 3 shots! That's all! Also, instead of a degree scroll, I had to hold a length of plastic pipe with some ribbon tied around it.
"Why stop now, just when I'm hating it?" - Marvin

Little details from your day

My girlfriend, who doesn't eat fish, is away at the moment, so I am on a seafood bender! Tonight i had a delicious roast sea bass; tomorrow i will have teriyaki salmon, with some mackerel pencilled in for the weekend.

I am also looking after a friend's goldfish, who I have named 'Leon' after Leon S. Kennedy.
I currently have no plans to eat Leon.
arthur wrote:Don't cut it for work don't cut it to look normal, people who feel offended by your nearly-30-with-long-hair face should just fuck off.

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