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Little details from your day

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:33 pm
by rayj_Archive
Nico Adie wrote:I graduated today. It was less boring than I thought it would be, and the canapes at the reception afterwards were excellent. As was the champagne.

It's a complete ripoff though. Graduating, that is.

Sounds like your education has finally started in earnest...

Little details from your day

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:41 pm
by Tree_Archive
night_tools wrote:My girlfriend, who doesn't eat fish, is away at the moment, so I am on a seafood bender! Tonight i had a delicious roast sea bass; tomorrow i will have teriyaki salmon, with some mackerel pencilled in for the weekend.

night_tools! I, too, did this! Last week! My wife doesn't care for super-authentic Mexican food, so my plan was to eat of bunch of that while she was out of town, but instead I bought a bunch of filets and made salmon, yellowfin tuna, halibut, then salmon again.


Little details from your day

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 1:55 am
by rayj_Archive
It's 94 fucking degrees in my apartment. They just raised the rent 200 bucks a month. I'm thinking pretty hard about that.

Little details from your day

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 4:42 am
by bumble_Archive

It turns out that I only had one ticket to paradise, so I had to head north. Actually, paradise alone isn't as fun as travelling alone, so I skipped out after my second night. I miss my boyfriend's warmth and I keep telling him stories in my head as I walk along.

I took a train to Chiang Mai and have found a room for about 9 or 10 dollars. It seems to be a requirement that I make best friends with a resident animal; Current Best Friend's name is Pooklook and really likes to play with my bandana. Also, to lay on my feet. Pooklook is the first dog in the history of doggiedom who (get this) Doesn't. Like. Bacon. Wow.

Yes, I am wearing a wet bandana around my neck. I look like a lesbian on safari, but at least it keeps me from melting completely.

It looks like I'll be sticking around Chiang Mai for a while and volunteering at the Healing Family Foundation, a place where disabled (mental, physical) people learn job skills., I think. It's a wonderful place. I love it. It's loving and silly and fun and just a wonderful organization. I'm really excited to do work there.

I love it here in the North; this is where it's at. Fuck the South, yet again. I have had a few great encounters which I will write more about at length another time:

1. The stern train guy
2. Nieng ("nang" with a long "a" sound) at another hostel
3. Creepy-at-first Buddhist monk (when was the last time a BUDDHIST MONK creeped you out?)
4. Thai masseur at the monastery
5. Healing Family Foundation

Right now, I need to take a shower before they deport me for gross nastiness.

OH and a butterfly landed on my head, then on my glasses, then circled my head twice before fluttering off.

I also rented a bicycle yesterday and went through a traffic circle on it. Yay!

My haggling is pretty nuanced at this point. It's fun.

love from bumba

p.s. - an hour of massage is 3 or 4 dollars.


I've had five.

Little details from your day

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:24 am
by Rotten Tanx_Archive
bumble wrote: lesbian on safari

I would see this band/movie/magazine.

Good to hear you're having fun!

In other news, my old job took me back for a week because they're short on staff. This is both great and shit.

Little details from your day

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:01 pm
by fiery jack_Archive
I've just watched a beautiful hawk (of some sort) subdue, kill and eat another bird, not much smaller than itself, just outside my window.

Highly impressive, although definitely not a way that you'd want to meet your maker.

Oh, and I've also won a vibrator in a competition. One of those rabbit things. I'll need to shift it rapido, before I have a "bored" evening...

Little details from your day

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 5:16 pm
by night_tools_Archive
What the fuck kind of competition was it, jack? Letter of the month on the 'Glamour' sexual problem page?

It's heavy pishin it down on Glasgow. I've just been out for dinner with my parents. We were meant to go to a gallery opening where some of my sister's art is being exhibited, but the small gallery was absolutely packed of braying cunts guzzling free rum and generally being awful, so we fucked off and went for a curry.

In the interests of 'Fish Week' I had curried cod. It was delicious.

There was a very attractive girl sitting at the table opposite us, and for some reason we kept making eye contact. This was somewhat awkward, as I am a) spoken for, and b) sitting next to my mum.

Little details from your day

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:37 pm
by garble_Archive
Today as I was to work there were skydivers gliding down into a nearby field under their parachutes.

Little details from your day

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:48 pm
by that damned fly_Archive
i think i'm over the hassle of quitting smoking and drinking at the same time.

sorry if i was an ass for the last week or so.

Little details from your day

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:02 am
by burun_Archive
Tonight at work someone gave me a handful of magnetic LED "throwies" that are incredibly cool. They are like little metal canisters, with a screw-top. The tops have a sort of glass half-dome, the size of a thumbtack, with two blinking blue LED's in them.

They are battery powered, and use three teeny tiny watch cells.

They are strong magnets, and the LED's light when you twist the top clockwise.

I totally want to buy more.