Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

Minotaur029 wrote:
Newsweek wrote:After she worked for the city for a couple of years, Barack led Michelle closer to community activism. He was on the board of a start-up group called Public Allies, a nonprofit that encouraged young people to go into public service—just the kind of encouragement she felt she had never gotten. The organization needed a Chicago director. The job paid even less than her city post. "It sounded risky and just out there," she says. "But for some reason it just spoke to me. This was the first time I said, 'This is what I say I care about. Right here. And I will have to run it'." (Michelle jokes that she took a pay cut with every new job. The couple finally got rich when Barack's book, "The Audacity of Hope," became a best seller.)

there, fixed
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

Rick Reuben wrote:Dallas Star-Telegram reporting on an odd security decision at an Obama rally Wednesday:
Security details at Barack Obama’s rally Wednesday stopped screening people for weapons at the front gates more than an hour before the Democratic presidential candidate took the stage at Reunion Arena.

The order to put down the metal detectors and stop checking purses and laptop bags came as a surprise to several Dallas police officers who said they believed it was a lapse in security.

Dallas Deputy Police Chief T.W. Lawrence, head of the Police Department’s homeland security and special operations divisions, said the order — apparently made by the U.S. Secret Service — was meant to speed up the long lines outside and fill the arena’s vacant seats before Obama came on.

“Sure,” said Lawrence, when asked if he was concerned by the great number of people who had gotten into the building without being checked. But, he added, the turnout of more than 17,000 people seemed to be a “friendly crowd.”

The Secret Service did not return a call from the Star-Telegram seeking comment.

Doors opened to the public at 10 a.m., and for the first hour security officers scanned each person who came in and checked their belongings in a process that kept movement of the long lines at a crawl. Then, about 11 a.m., an order came down to allow the people in without being checked.

Several Dallas police officers said it worried them that the arena was packed with people who got in without even a cursory inspection.

They spoke on condition of anonymity because, they said, the order was made by federal officials who were in charge of security at the event.

“How can you not be concerned in this day and age,” said one policeman.

And a follow-up story:
The U.S. Secret Service on Friday defended its handling of security during a huge rally in downtown Dallas for Barack Obama, saying there was no "lapse" in its "comprehensive and layered security plan," which called for some people to be checked for weapons while others were not.

A report in the Star-Telegram that said some security measures were lifted during Wednesday's rally sparked a public outrage across the country, with most people saying they were shocked that a routine weapons search was lifted at the front gates of Reunion Arena an hour before the Democratic presidential candidate took the stage.

I didn't see this story before but the same thing happened when Obam spoke at the Kohl Center here in Madison. It seemed that they searched all the people who were going to be on the floor but those who were going to be in the stands were sent straight in with nothing more than the usual security check that one would get at a Badgers game i.e. a quick look up and down with the occasional pat.

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

Rick Reuben wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:there, fixed
Heh... up until late 2007, Obama was one of the panhandlers that I consistently turned down because he stunk of booze. Glad he pulled himself together.

Dude, he's a muslim.....haven't you seen those pictures Hillary put out last week? They can't drink, right? Couldn't have been him.
But come to think of it I have seen him laugh a few times on TV as well and I'm pretty sure happiness and laughing is strictly forbidden in that religion as well, so he must not be too serious about it.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

I volunteered 10 hours this weekend answering phones at the voter help line at the Obama headquarters. Basically, people were calling for help in finding their polling place, rules for the "Texas two-step", and early voting. I know the polls are showing a Texas win, but I'm pretty sure Obama will also win Ohio. Maybe 70% of my calls were from first time voters. We're talking middle aged people that have never been swayed to vote before, and many of these people were practically in tears when talking about Senator Obama- these people don't show up on polls. I worked the 8:00AM to 1:00PM shift on Saturday and Sunday and we were getting probably 300 calls per hour. I can't imagine the call volume later in the day.

Also, Cincinnati and Columbus, OH (Hamilton County) are going to have massive voter issues. A lot of the polling places have been changed and people are really confused.

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

R.F.F. wrote:Also, Cincinnati and Columbus, OH (Hamilton County) are going to have massive voter issues. A lot of the polling places have been changed and people are really confused.

Cincinnati is in Hamilton County, Columbus in Franklin County. But yes, my polling place is different from last time.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

Marsupialized wrote:Obama took Vermont, Hillary took Rhode Island.
Texas looks like it may go Obama and Ohio is going Hillary.

Which is curious, because around town I see ten Obama signs/stickers for every Hillary one, although I don't know what it's like in other parts of the state. Plus Gov. Strickland is a Clinton supporter and was even rumored to be a VP candidate, though he's said he doesn't want it.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

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