Chicago Hot Dog Crawl?

Aw, thanks so much. I am not a photographer actually. I'm someone who doesn't know what to do with myself in crowds of people so I take pictures. I used to smoke cigarettes, now I take pictures.


(Clockwise from top left):
H-G Randall, Colonel John, Rich, T(odd)-bone, Chris Comrade, Kristen, Liz Noise (yrs truly), Mat Caix, Ryan Turnbull

I'm not putting captions on all of them but I figured that you might want to know who is whom. I wasn't sure whether to use actual name or user ID so I've got amalgamations. Please let me know if you'd prefer your real name or complete ID.

Also, I can use photoshop to put black bars over your eyes if you'd rather not be seen eating hot dogs in public or over the interweb.

Chicago Hot Dog Crawl?

El Protoolio wrote:I wasn't in the recording studio. I was in Master Control masterfully controlling the broadcast. She came in to say hello to me and then took my picture. I had no idea it was noise & light until just now. What a small town.

Wow. Um, I deleted that photo because I got the impression that you weren't so crazy about having your picture taken. Had no idea that you were in Master Control. How about that.

Chicago Hot Dog Crawl?

noise&light wrote:
El Protoolio wrote:I wasn't in the recording studio. I was in Master Control masterfully controlling the broadcast. She came in to say hello to me and then took my picture. I had no idea it was noise & light until just now. What a small town.

Wow. Um, I deleted that photo because I got the impression that you weren't so crazy about having your picture taken. Had no idea that you were in Master Control. How about that.

Hah! El Protoolio's visage will not be immortalized, as his dreams demand of him.

Chicago Hot Dog Crawl?

noise&light wrote:Wow. Um, I deleted that photo because I got the impression that you weren't so crazy about having your picture taken.

Well, I mean, you *did* see his face, right? Really, when it comes down to it, and I think I speak for pretty much all human beings at this point, none of us is crazy about his picture being taken. It's kinda like, y'know, you did the world a favor. Well, everybody except the folks that make that stuff that janitors pour onto piles of puke. What's that stuff called again? Oh yeah, ElProtoolio Sauce.

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