Warning signs of really bad bands

tallchris wrote:"Hey, we couldn't fit all of our gear in our bassists car. Can we borrow your amps/drums/sticks/pedals, etc.?

amps/drums aren't bad if pre-arranged. hell, we don't even mind lending our shit if asked on the night. guitars and snare/cymbals on the other hand... who doesn't bring that shit to a show?? (seriously I have been asked to lend a guitar minutes before the band played).

we played a show at a place recently with a house kit that didn't have a stool. we asked another band if we could use theirs and they said no! I couldn't believe it, it's a fucking drum stool for god's sake!!

Warning signs of really bad bands

benadrian wrote:
zom-zom wrote:Dude crouching over a table filled with stomp-boxes and cables.

Oh yes! the pedal board on a folding table. AKA the time to go smoke band.



or a big box in the middle of the stage with all kinds of rack mount gear, a bassplayer with a billion stompboxes. in fact that's one itself generally.

bassplayer has a billion stompboxes AND has a cabinet with a tweeter and/or more than 4 strings.

more than 2 drummers.

you can tell they "dressed up" for the occassion, and one of them didn't.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

Warning signs of really bad bands

muzorewi's daughter wrote:this only applies to non-english-speaking bands, but you'll understand:

when the band decides to communicate with the audience in english. example: the band is norwegian. the show is in norway. everyone in the audience is norwegian. and still the band goes "aaayyyyyhhh are you guys ready for a goddamn show!!!".

That anyone does this surprises me. That someone who would is lame does not surprise me.

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