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New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:11 pm
by caix_Archive
Wood Goblin wrote:Good site, but I downloaded a Tad bootleg, and it was in .flac format, which my computer won't play. Anyone have any suggestions?

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:16 pm
by Wood Goblin_Archive
caix wrote:
Wood Goblin wrote:Good site, but I downloaded a Tad bootleg, and it was in .flac format, which my computer won't play. Anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks. However, I'm on a work computer, so I'd best not download this. Ah well. Thanks anyway.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:17 pm
by caix_Archive
Wood Goblin wrote:
caix wrote:
Wood Goblin wrote:Good site, but I downloaded a Tad bootleg, and it was in .flac format, which my computer won't play. Anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks. However, I'm on a work computer, so I'd best not download this. Ah well. Thanks anyway.

You can always convert the FLACs to MP3 at home.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:39 pm
by Minotaur029_Archive
BadComrade wrote:2 Jesus Lizard peel sessions: ... izard.html also has a bunch of Birthday Party bootlegs, a bunch of Melvins bootlegs, Neurosis demos (minus the ones that have been officially released) and some other bootlegs of bands from this forum.

Once you get to the bottom of the main page (and each additional page), click " Vecāka ziņa" to go back a page to see the previous "offerings".

Chris Hall posts in the Sendspace thread...


I was going to say hello to you the other night, Chris...but Rich said that you might be "spaced out." I was five feet from you...hehe...

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:40 pm
by edpriesner_Archive
Yo Caix-

I don't know a damn thing about Flac- I'm on a Mac and want to be able to convert flac to normal mp3s. There're 5 different download options- which would you recommend?

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:48 pm
by Wood Goblin_Archive
caix wrote:You can always convert the FLACs to MP3 at home.

How is that done? Do I have to download anything?

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:56 pm
by rayj_Archive
Wood Goblin wrote:
caix wrote:You can always convert the FLACs to MP3 at home.

How is that done? Do I have to download anything?

Depends on what software you use to manage audio files. For the record: FLAC is vastly superior to MP3's. I'd just get the FLAC software and frontend.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:02 pm
by Minotaur029_Archive
BadComrade wrote:
Minotaur029 wrote:
Chris Hall posts in the Sendspace thread...


I was going to say hello to you the other night, Chris...but Rich said that you might be "spaced out." I was five feet from you...hehe...

I've uploaded a couple of bootlegs to the gmail accounts before, I just don't upload (or link to) commercially available stuff.

Haha, I don't know why Rich thought I might have been spaced out. He did say hi to me as I was talking to my friend, and I didn't see him again / get a chance to talk to him, so maybe that has something to do with it.

I know, I know.

I was under the influence of some Guinness. He might not even have said any case, next time I see you...I'll try to engage you with some gang signs.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:21 pm
by hench_Archive
FLAC decoding on a MAC:

1) get a copy of toast 7 or toast 8

2) use it to decode .flac files to .aiff files (setting = audio CD, dump the flacs in there, then press the 'export' button)

3) use itunes to convert the aiff files to mp3s...

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:25 pm
by Maurice_Archive
hench wrote:FLAC decoding on a MAC:

Or, for free, get UnRarX and open the .rar. If it contains .mp3s, you're done. Otherwise, yeah, what hench said: use iTunes for the conversion.