Mark Hansen wrote:clocker bob wrote:wood goblin wrote:And as far as parents determining an acceptable level of risk: what do you think about the global effort to eliminate polio, as we did with smallpox several decades ago? We are damn close to eliminiating this debilitating disease. Do you know where it still exists? It exits in the pockets of the world that either lack access to vaccines or have refused them.
The history of the polio vaccine does not prove or disprove the safety of Thimerosal in vaccines. Typical ploy by you. It's like using the victory at Normandy to say that the Iraq War is noble and just.
Bob, why would you read this as anything other than a couple of examples of situations where vaccines have had proven benefits?
Can you read? If I had started a thread with the title "All Vaccines Are Bad", then I would be happy to read positive reporting on any and all vaccines. I didn't start that thread, did I? I started a thread that argued that a link exists between Thimerosal and autism. Do you see polio fitting anywhere into that argument? The history of the polio vaccine is not pertinent to the debate over vaccines and autism. Wood Goblin is suggesting that because the polio vaccine has an acceptable level of risk , then any vaccine offered to us with government approval should not be scrutinized. That's dumb. Every vaccine is different, number one, and number two, we aren't even arguing about the medicinal part of the vaccines, we're arguing about mercury used as a preservative in the vaccines.
wood goblin wrote:Why does Wood Goblin's familiarity with and knowledge of the literature and studies involving vaccines count against him?
Count against him? Where did I say that? I said that he is not the final arbiter of what is or isn't worthwhile research regarding vaccines and autism, which is a good thing, because he makes baseless smears against anyone who isn't on the Big Pharm-approved roster of researchers and doctors. Wood Goblin is a bitter egomaniac who thinks that he should be able to end the vaccine=autism thread, mostly with bluster, lies and biased dismissals of any evidence he doesn't personally like. He's a thread fascist. It burns him up that he can't be the unimpeachable authority he thinks he is. He can keep slamming his gavel down until his arm falls off. I don't hear it.
wood goblin wrote:Are you saying someone with no background in any of this stuff is a better judge of the findings than someone who has no such background?
He's one person. If you want to line up behind whatever he says and take it as gospel, knock yourself out. I'll make up my own mind.